Singing Potatoes


24 Aug 2001What the smeg am I doing?
 Looking for porn in all the wrong places
 Waiting for Snoogans
27 Aug 2001Fun with Flash
 Mr. Worf, fire at Wil!
 What the hell am I doing?
28 Aug 2001My brother, the cop.
 Time for a rant.
 And Eight Others
 Overheard in my office
29 Aug 2001Boring/Funny
30 Aug 2001And then the horse starts screaming...
 Technological Advancement
 Upon discovery of Neil Gaiman's blog
4 Sep 2001Upon Florida
5 Sep 2001Morning sucks
6 Sep 2001Computer Woes
10 Sep 2001Computers and Popcorn
11 Sep 2001Opera
 It's the end of the world as we know it...
12 Sep 2001Theories and Reactions
 More reactions
 Still doesn't quite seem real
 Upon Flight 93
13 Sep 2001I am such a sucker.
 Tragedy Humor
14 Sep 2001To work in a storm
 At work in a storm
 The rain continued.
 "...what we probably deserve"
15 Sep 2001Dammitalltohell.
 Now I'm pissed again.
 Oh Joy, Oh Rapture!
19 Sep 2001Nimda fallout
 Removing Nimda
25 Sep 2001Patriotism
28 Sep 2001Upon the premiere of Enterprise
1 Oct 2001Unclear on the concept
2 Oct 2001A pathetic attempt at cartooning
4 Oct 2001Treasure Trove: Ballads
5 Oct 2001Acts of Gord
8 Oct 2001Freedom of the Press
9 Oct 2001Inner Robot
10 Oct 2001Wahoo!
 Flag-disrespecting advertisers
11 Oct 2001Bleagh.
 Altering Reality
12 Oct 2001More Anthrax
14 Oct 2001If it were not for the great game of football,
16 Oct 2001Sigh...
 It's definitely time for a haircut.
 Hello, McFly!
17 Oct 2001Books
 Some people just don't get it.
 Great quote
18 Oct 2001I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.
 Making each other's day
19 Oct 2001pop3 goes the weasel
20 Oct 2001Beware the revenge of the geek.
22 Oct 2001One Year.
 Speling misteaks
26 Oct 2001Viking Name
 Police State
 Only 54?
27 Oct 2001Post-Guavaween-Post
29 Oct 2001Just stick to reading the TelePrompTer, Frank.
 Harvest Festival
 Flying the Stupid Skies
31 Oct 2001One down, three to go
 License to Ill
 Bizarre but true
1 Nov 2001You can lead a horse to water...
2 Nov 2001A Facetious Proposal
 Inky Monsters
3 Nov 2001Coincidence
 Birthday Wishes
4 Nov 2001More Birthday
6 Nov 2001Give peas a chance
7 Nov 2001Alack the heavy day.
8 Nov 2001One Day Later
9 Nov 2001Spoon!
11 Nov 2001Swearing
12 Nov 2001Here we go again
 Treasure Trove: Ormulum
13 Nov 2001Arguing
14 Nov 2001Intention
 Meat Pickle
 Crusty, not crufty!
18 Nov 2001Woodcut!
19 Nov 2001Arrrgh! Computers!
 Those jokes are older than my underwear.
20 Nov 2001Woodcut for dumb browsers
21 Nov 2001Ha.
 End of an Era
25 Nov 2001Dagnab it.
26 Nov 2001Publix=Creepy
 Waiting for Tech Support.
29 Nov 2001Diatribe from a Dream
 Still no email
30 Nov 2001Synchronism
3 Dec 2001Bigga badda boom
5 Dec 2001Art Test
9 Dec 2001Holiday Gender Inequality
11 Dec 2001Tickscripts
14 Dec 2001Boondoggle
16 Dec 2001Chris Carter Syndrome
18 Dec 2001Secret Christmas Entry
 Jeff Lee, amateur TV critic
20 Dec 2001Help me, Spock!
26 Dec 2001Boxing Day
 Bog Laden
28 Dec 2001Stupid entry
 "To bolster me, I took a cup of rum."
29 Dec 2001Weird Fact
2 Jan 2002Chris Carter Syndrome, part deux
4 Jan 2002Treasure Trove: Schoenberg Center
7 Jan 2002Dumbass attacks Tampa skyscraper. Film at 11.
10 Jan 2002Nothing of import
11 Jan 2002Suddenly Spam
15 Jan 2002Upon Tony Dungy
 Sure and begorrah
 It has arrived.
 Damn fine coffee, and hot!
16 Jan 2002Oops
17 Jan 2002Mountain Dew or crab juice.
 Drop down, increase speed, and reverse direction!
19 Jan 2002Whee, taxes
21 Jan 2002Tick, Interrupted
22 Jan 2002A Mad Ant
 Life imitates art
24 Jan 2002Blog envy?
 Upon Computer Repairs
28 Jan 2002Historical research and reënactment
29 Jan 2002Texas, Australia
31 Jan 2002Le pacte des loups
1 Feb 2002Bye-bye, popups!
8 Feb 2002Beast II?
9 Feb 2002No wonder they race them...
12 Feb 2002Why are you still here?
 Nasty, nasty
7 Mar 2002Look at me, I can't even quit decently.
8 Mar 2002A Learning Experience
 Back in Business
11 Mar 2002Bring me the head of Walt Disney!
 The alchemy has passed me by.
13 Mar 2002Back to safe subjects
14 Mar 2002Naked
15 Mar 2002Disturbing Omens
17 Mar 2002Our lawyers will do lunch.
18 Mar 2002When Animals Move In
25 Mar 2002Back to the real world
 Two programmers walk into a bar...
28 Mar 2002Slam, bam, thank you, ma'am.
 I know words were coming out of my mouth...
1 Apr 2002Poisson d'Avril
2 Apr 2002Day of Sex
5 Apr 2002Hockey Night in Florida
10 Apr 2002Just call us "The Commitments"
12 Apr 2002Incredible
 The Wonderful World of Politics
 I think, therefore Icosahedron.
17 Apr 2002Morning's here...
18 Apr 2002Nostalgia
20 Apr 2002Jeff vs. The Computer
23 Apr 2002Adieu, Lone Gunmen.
25 Apr 2002Wahoo!
30 Apr 2002Gotta Have the Music
3 May 2002Where's my spy camera?
 Spy Camera Redux
4 May 2002Frightening Product
7 May 2002O Pointy Count, O Pointy Pointy
 File under W for "Weird"
12 May 2002Parenthood
20 May 2002Worst Finale Ever
28 May 2002Well, it was better than Episode I...
29 May 2002Obviously from another planet
31 May 2002I thought that was guitars...
3 Jun 2002Sehr interessant, aber dumm.
 Geek Humor
4 Jun 2002Savior of the Universe
5 Jun 2002Upgrade
6 Jun 2002Well, damn.
 Great place to live
17 Jun 2002Incommunicado
1 Jul 2002Nerdvana
3 Jul 2002Literacy
5 Jul 2002Die, spammers.
 Only skin deep
8 Jul 2002Where's Moses when you need him?
11 Jul 2002Upgrading
12 Jul 2002Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
15 Jul 2002We got both kinds.
 Lost in translation
 Double Impact
17 Jul 2002Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow
20 Jul 2002Groan
29 Jul 2002The Week of Hell
 Fever Dream
1 Aug 2002You have no chance to survive make your time.
4 Aug 2002My Parents' Wedding.
5 Aug 2002Ambrosia it ain't.
 Geeky Nostalgia
6 Aug 2002Pop-up Killer
9 Aug 2002The Collector's Edition of the Ring
 The Quality of Reporting Is Not Strained.
 Stupid Court Hijinks
12 Aug 2002She's So Unusual.
13 Aug 2002I thought yesterday was Monday.
15 Aug 2002Pledge Break
16 Aug 2002Cheap at twice the price
17 Aug 2002Double Vision Hearing
 Burglar, Interrupted
19 Aug 2002Dude, you're MUNGing a Dell!
 Dead Man Walking
21 Aug 2002Where's my spy camera? Part Deux
23 Aug 2002Latest Find
26 Aug 2002Doppelgänger
 Forgotten Anniversary
27 Aug 2002Could Be Bliss, Could Be Death
28 Aug 2002Night and Day
30 Aug 2002Photos
2 Sep 2002Oh ye gods.
5 Sep 2002Cathouse
9 Sep 2002Back in Civilization
 Religion and Politics
10 Sep 2002Amen.
 New worm?
11 Sep 2002Weird Dream
17 Sep 2002Wheee!
18 Sep 2002Unclear on the Concept
19 Sep 2002Arrrrrrrr.
23 Sep 2002What's the point?
 The Shipping News
24 Sep 2002New Toy
 3D the hard way
27 Sep 2002Renew!
1 Oct 2002Salty Tars
 Electronic Nostalgia Goodness
2 Oct 2002Good Old Microsoft
 More Microsofty Goodness
3 Oct 2002I know! Can you believe it?!
4 Oct 2002No Comment
 Upon shooting oneself in the foot
7 Oct 2002RayLewisRayLewisRayLewis
9 Oct 2002Simplicity, thy name is Windows
10 Oct 2002Resolution
14 Oct 2002Smile
15 Oct 2002Attack of the Clones
18 Oct 2002Labyrinthine Linguistic Legerdemain
 Treading a fine line between cheese and pumpkin cake
 The thin Floridian blood
 Politics as usual
19 Oct 2002I Love Tech Support
22 Oct 2002Kill me now.
 Speaking of music...
24 Oct 2002Spooky
25 Oct 2002Response
 Snip snip
28 Oct 2002Help me, I'm lazy.
29 Oct 2002Lowering the Bar
 Pot, kettle, black
31 Oct 2002Is it live, or is it Memorex?
 Into the Breach
3 Nov 2002Tons O' Fun
4 Nov 2002Call me cynical...
5 Nov 2002Happy Guy Fawkes Day!
6 Nov 2002Milestone
8 Nov 2002Rewrite
11 Nov 2002Predictability
 Curiouser and curiouser...
13 Nov 2002Towel, thrown
 Move over, Tim Allen!
 Jellybean Woes
14 Nov 2002Ik ben niet vloeiend in Nederlands.
15 Nov 2002Mr. Sulu! Ahead... full... SAIL!
 Missed Opportunity
18 Nov 2002If only there had been some sign.
 I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
 Personality Quiz
 The new phone books are here!
 Aw, jeez...
19 Nov 2002A stitch in time
22 Nov 2002See Change
 Wrong Demographic
25 Nov 2002Malkovich vs. Walken
 Toe Pick!
26 Nov 2002Success!
30 Nov 2002Stage Two Complete
4 Dec 2002Eudora: Crazed Censor
5 Dec 2002Alien manuscript?
 They grow up so fast...
 Idle Thought
6 Dec 2002Nattering Nabobs of Negativity
 Who needs plastic surgeons?
8 Dec 2002Old-fangled book learnin'
12 Dec 2002The Best Book in the World
 Hooray, Politics!
13 Dec 2002Setback
 Best ads?
 Chamberpot of Secrets
14 Dec 2002Switch?
16 Dec 2002Worst episode ever!
 Gifts to Avoid Giving
17 Dec 2002Three Ravens
 Word for the day
18 Dec 2002Alas, poor Giles. I knew him, Horatio.
 The Madness
20 Dec 2002Are pumpkins still in season?
 Fundamental wrongness
23 Dec 2002What this country needs is plenty of Moxie!
 Microsoft triumphs again!
 Speaking of D&D...
 Literacy can be Fun
25 Dec 2002A Christmastime Tradition
26 Dec 2002A Boxing Day Story
27 Dec 2002Spoiled little rich kids
30 Dec 2002Anticipation
3 Jan 2003Thoughts upon The Two Towers
4 Jan 2003I'm Sorry!
8 Jan 2003Burden lifted
9 Jan 2003Allusions
13 Jan 2003Priorities
16 Jan 2003Phun with Photoshop
17 Jan 2003Nazi Wisdom
20 Jan 2003Rational sports fans
 Treasure Trove: Prelinger Archives
 Balance of Power
23 Jan 2003Just Because
24 Jan 20034' 33"
30 Jan 2003Cyclical
 Crumbs for the Salacious
1 Feb 2003Columbia
 The warning sign of an eBay wacko
 More eBay asshattery
2 Feb 2003Back in time?
 They shot the messengers
3 Feb 2003Letter to the Editors
 Virtually a success
4 Feb 2003Upgrades
5 Feb 2003Web of circumstance
 Etymology belies meaning
8 Feb 2003Something to think about
9 Feb 2003Disappointed!
10 Feb 2003Just Damn Spooky
11 Feb 2003Be Prepared
 Only in Canada.
12 Feb 2003And this week on 'How to do it'...
14 Feb 2003Sunnydale Sock Puppet Theatre
 Thanks for the warning, guys
 Oh. My. Gawd.
18 Feb 2003What the...?
 Автор! Автор!
19 Feb 2003Get it right, Kiefer!
 Hey, I want that gig!
20 Feb 2003Posterity
21 Feb 2003Taking things a bit too far
 Bad time to be a Marine
22 Feb 2003No such thing as global warming, huh?
24 Feb 2003Bollywood is out of ideas, too
 Get on with it!
25 Feb 2003In Hunc Intuens.
 We're looking for treasure!
 Buffy, Slayer of the Vampyr
27 Feb 2003Crack Lite
28 Feb 2003Thanks, Microsoft!
3 Mar 2003Time
 Gotta get me one of these!
4 Mar 2003Semper ubi sub ubi
6 Mar 2003The war begins in one week
17 Mar 2003Back
19 Mar 2003Daunting Task
21 Mar 2003Losing my touch
23 Mar 2003Autopost
24 Mar 2003Situation Nermal
26 Mar 2003There's a war on
 Name That Noise
27 Mar 2003They lost my car?!
28 Mar 2003Wanted: beta-testers
1 Apr 2003But your head's never inside it...
 Readers' Digest Condensed Comics
3 Apr 2003Three Quarters
4 Apr 2003Time-wasting Link of the Day
8 Apr 2003More Liberty Meadows
 The New Patriotism
9 Apr 2003Dumbass!
12 Apr 2003I don't think it's supposed to do that...
15 Apr 2003War Without End, Amen.
19 Apr 2003Bombay Justice
21 Apr 2003It's the professionalism I admire...
 Band Names
 Vanishing blogs
23 Apr 2003Overheard on the Elevator
 Scam revealed
 More professionalism
25 Apr 2003Changes
28 Apr 2003"Was geht hier vor?"
29 Apr 2003For the Birds
 DIY Swag
30 Apr 2003Lemmings
1 May 2003Jim Davis: Lazy Cartoonist
4 May 2003Sure hope gold isn't toxic
6 May 2003Quiz Fun
8 May 2003¼-way mark
 Disturbing Search Request
9 May 2003Sell now!
11 May 2003½-way mark
12 May 2003Talk about a lingering death!
14 May 2003Bad Boy
15 May 2003Ask Joseph Gayetty.
 Series after series
20 May 2003Finished!
 Am I on Candid Screencap?
23 May 2003Almost time...
28 May 2003Disaster, interrupted
29 May 2003Alchemical Wisdom
1 Jun 2003Possible project
2 Jun 2003Childishness
3 Jun 2003Just for Sev
4 Jun 2003I hate fur.
5 Jun 2003Contains ranting
 Monkey fight!
 Touchy relatives
9 Jun 2003Unplanned upgrades
 Synchronicity is...
10 Jun 2003Stop: 0x0000008c
 Always trust content from Microsoft
11 Jun 2003Put another hamster on the wheel!
 Scribal Night
 Civil War in the Sky
12 Jun 2003Outrage!
13 Jun 2003Bo Knows Diddley
16 Jun 2003Jen started it...
 The Obligatory Matrix Post
18 Jun 2003While I've got The GIMP open...
20 Jun 2003Black Arts
 End of an era
25 Jun 2003Star Wars Pants
 The Language of Control
27 Jun 2003A disturbing simile
29 Jun 2003Commentary
30 Jun 2003Why am I reminded of "The Specials"?
 Ungodly Clothes
1 Jul 2003Foreign Interjections
2 Jul 2003Armchair Philosopher
 There goes another childhood memory...
7 Jul 2003Salivation
8 Jul 2003RSI: Rodent Setup Investigation
 Æquari pavet alta minori.
10 Jul 2003T Minus 29:36 and Counting
11 Jul 2003Rain
 Best Simile Ever
14 Jul 2003Survival
17 Jul 2003Lost Track
 Gosh darn you to Heck!
18 Jul 2003Democracy at Work
22 Jul 2003Fark funny
 Con games
 Unclear on the concept
 Highway Robbery
 Go ahead and sue me, RIAA!
24 Jul 2003Quotable Quote
 His was the most... human.
25 Jul 2003Accuracy in reporting
28 Jul 2003Losing it
31 Jul 2003Excitement for the day
1 Aug 2003Paternal Advice
3 Aug 2003Weirdest search hit ever
 Unexpected Progress
4 Aug 2003Uneventful
 All good things come to an end
6 Aug 2003Cool find
8 Aug 2003Anniversary
9 Aug 2003Fibber McGee's Closet
 League of 20,000 Gentlemen
10 Aug 2003Obsessive/Compulsive Serendipity
11 Aug 2003Ah, California
12 Aug 2003Clearly, I am no rocket scientist.
15 Aug 2003Random topics.
19 Aug 2003So they do read them!
 Oh no, a lemming!
20 Aug 2003Complex Rock Concert
 Back to the status quo
21 Aug 2003The Joy of Bulk
22 Aug 2003Smaller, yet not small enough
 Re: Application
24 Aug 2003Musical Madness!
 Holy cow
25 Aug 2003Three Things
26 Aug 2003Linky Changeness
 Is the Internet trying to tell me something?
 Slippery Slope
 Oh, I don't think so. I dwove.
 Bob to the rescue!
31 Aug 2003Well, crap.
1 Sep 2003Disgruntlement at 4:30 AM
2 Sep 2003Weakness
 My eyes!
4 Sep 2003Mounties?
5 Sep 2003Free Upgrade!
 Technology to the rescue!
 Silly movie trivia
7 Sep 2003Words of Wisdom
10 Sep 2003Tell me it's a joke
11 Sep 2003Forehead-slapping time
 Everything old is new again.
 I don't understand politicians
15 Sep 2003business proposal
 Unfortunate pose
16 Sep 2003Guerilla Repairman
17 Sep 2003Weird Spam
18 Sep 2003Arcimboldo, eat your heart out.
19 Sep 2003Time to buy a paper shredder.
22 Sep 2003Underwhere?
 OS dvě varp?
23 Sep 2003The Persistence of Memory
24 Sep 2003Why I'm glad I don't use drugs
25 Sep 2003End of a free lunch
26 Sep 2003A Helpful Telephone Tip
29 Sep 2003Galactica
30 Sep 2003WWJD?
3 Oct 2003Who?
7 Oct 2003Weird Dreams
 Bogged down already
8 Oct 2003Quhat ir ye footèrin' at?
 Whatever happened to tradition?
10 Oct 2003Whee...
15 Oct 2003Festivities
 Bored now...
16 Oct 2003Simplicity is the Key
 Time to use the middle finger
 It's like rain on your wedding day
20 Oct 2003Welcome back!
 Color me unimpressed.
21 Oct 2003Three Is a Magic Number.
 New Toy
 What's in a name?
22 Oct 2003Angel Who?
23 Oct 2003Thanks, but no thanks.
24 Oct 2003Earworm
27 Oct 2003First Half-Life, now Windows
28 Oct 2003More Longhorn
30 Oct 2003Or did I dream it?
31 Oct 2003Hallelujaween
3 Nov 2003NoNoWriMo
 Come on, you're not even trying!
4 Nov 2003We got totally lied to by our album covers!
6 Nov 2003Limitations
9 Nov 2003They made me do it
 Nothing to see here
10 Nov 2003Mood: Sickened
13 Nov 2003Hard to get used to
 Day the First
14 Nov 2003Day the Second
15 Nov 2003Day the Third
16 Nov 2003Home Again
17 Nov 2003The Old Homestead
 Odds and Ends from the trip
18 Nov 2003Pictures from the trip
 Case mod
 Slow news day
20 Nov 2003A Frightening Question
 Rushing in where robots fear to tread
 Even I have my limits
21 Nov 2003Here we go again
 Upon the recent Episcopal Bishop
24 Nov 2003Enter the Matrix
 Why has nobody invented this?
25 Nov 2003iPod's Dirty Secret
26 Nov 2003Say what?
 Another one for the list
1 Dec 2003Skül Pläy
5 Dec 2003Ha.
9 Dec 2003Arrrgh! French!
 And now, some German...
10 Dec 2003"Oh my God, they killed Jolly! You bastards!"
12 Dec 2003Newest spam
 Coming soon to a frequency-modulated station near you!
16 Dec 2003It figures
17 Dec 2003Fingers... hurt...
 Well, damn.
18 Dec 2003"Security" isn't a dirty word, Blackadder!
20 Dec 2003Captured Airwaves
24 Dec 2003Happy $generic_holiday!
 Where's my, etc.
25 Dec 2003Dilbert to the rescue
29 Dec 2003DIY Pop Filter
 The new phonebooks are here!
 Dear Spammers
31 Dec 2003Georgia on my mind
10 Mar 2004This never happened to Dr. Who!
 I suspected as much.
 New Territory
 Move over, Emotion Eric!
 Word to the wise
 An Observation
 I must learn this skill!
 Back into the fire
 Return of the King
 Intolerance for Jesus
 This is why I'm not a CEO
 If it were easy, everyone would do it.
 Online font resource
 Totally sweet
 Getting hammered
 Escape from the virtual world
 Grumpy Conservative Old Man Mode
 Guess the Mystery Object
 For all your Lovecraftian search engine needs
 Speaking of Lovecraft...
 I hate you.
 Road Trip to Seattle?
 Insane with Constraints
 A DVD I never knew I wanted
 ...And a DVD I must own.
 Premature elation.
 An Inspiring Exhortation
 It's a beautiful world we live in
 No wonder I don't do this very often
 Political thoughts
 "...and my nose comes off."
 And why aren't they selling them here?
 What? No "Necronomicon"?
 Going to have to try this!
 Can we film the operation?
 A Question
 An Even Weirder Question
 Ah, technology
 The Importance of Lighting
 Road trip!
 TV plans
 Ultra Mega MegaCon!
 More Tripping the Rift
12 Mar 2004What country is this again?
 Speak up!
 Yo, youse feeble heroes!
 Where's The Count when you need him?
15 Mar 2004Consumer service message
16 Mar 2004Note to self
17 Mar 2004Got demo?
 Blast from the past
18 Mar 2004A Musing
 The Internet Knows All!
19 Mar 2004Wastrel!
21 Mar 2004"And this is Mister Prostitute, in charge of..."
23 Mar 2004Break out the DVD burner...
 Weird dreams
25 Mar 2004Out of the blue
28 Mar 2004Huh.
29 Mar 2004Killing time...
31 Mar 2004Dream ideas
 Wasting time
1 Apr 2004Drat.
 Point to Ponder
4 Apr 2004Holiday traditions
7 Apr 2004They're ba-a-a-a-ack!
10 Apr 2004L'esprit d'escalier
11 Apr 2004Insane with Butterflies
12 Apr 2004Ouch.
15 Apr 2004An Exchange
 Perhaps there's a correlation.
20 Apr 2004Hmmm...
 Speaking of book reviews...
21 Apr 2004Disparity
26 Apr 2004Linguistic gripe
27 Apr 2004A Strange Tale
29 Apr 2004This is a test. Please ignore.
30 Apr 2004Whew!
1 May 2004A Timely Quote
3 May 2004Overheard
 Open for "business"
 City of Heroes
4 May 2004The Problem With Cow-orkers
5 May 2004"You keep using that word..."
7 May 2004Geekout
10 May 2004Monday of the Living Dead
11 May 2004Looking for Blogs
 Lessons Learned
 Speaking of Webcomics...
12 May 2004Buy my stuff!
14 May 2004Now we play the waiting game...
 Now it can be shown...
17 May 2004Good advice
19 May 2004Dealing with Dunderheads
 The down side of having a Web site
21 May 2004It lives up to its name...
 Apple to stop making Macs?
 Well, this is special.
 Shame on you, Opera!
26 May 2004The Nose Knows
27 May 2004More Webtoon musing
1 Jun 2004Nice hair!
4 Jun 2004Ain't technology grand?
7 Jun 2004Maybe it ain't so grand.
8 Jun 2004So is Ashcroft Jake or Elwood?
 More geekery
9 Jun 2004We are the... Campions?
11 Jun 2004SCA: Webcomic punchline
12 Jun 2004Well, it looked pretty...
14 Jun 2004The Thomas Kinkade of the comics page
15 Jun 2004Signs of the Apocalypse
16 Jun 2004WTF?
17 Jun 2004Miscellanea
 "...and you, sir, are no Alonso Sánchez Coello."
 State of Florida vs. Tigger
 Graphic Humor
18 Jun 2004Overheard in a Restaurant
21 Jun 2004All partied out
 Buy War Bonds!
22 Jun 2004Heh
 Ah, accuracy.
24 Jun 2004Now that's incredible.
25 Jun 2004Yet another infection vector
 Just for Lisa
28 Jun 2004I'm a bad man...
 Not living up to his name
29 Jun 2004Steal This Movie
 Good thing I'm not fond of coffee
30 Jun 2004And the SCA seems a little more authentic...
 Why do lawyers wear neckties, again?
 Now these are casemods...
4 Jul 2004More on the "Mini-ITX"
12 Jul 2004Get with the times, Law and Order!
 Terrorism and Elections
 Something else to be afraid of
14 Jul 2004"World-Class Technical Support"
16 Jul 2004That Wonderful Florida Weather
 Not quite an earworm...
19 Jul 2004Dead tired
 Two weeks
 The Phone Closet
22 Jul 2004A page out of Tim Taylor's book
23 Jul 2004Flabbergasted
28 Jul 2004No!
30 Jul 2004Archaeology
2 Aug 2004Moved
4 Aug 2004Crap
5 Aug 2004Catastrophic Hard Drive Failure.
6 Aug 2004Catastrophe Averted
10 Aug 2004Overheard
 Oh, great.
11 Aug 2004What a welcome!
13 Aug 2004Good luck, Tampans
17 Aug 2004Indiscreet Spending
 I Love Bees
 Heralds, on the other hand...
19 Aug 2004Vol. 1& 2
25 Aug 2004Google has failed me
26 Aug 2004Merchandising: Always pushing the envelope
 Music Hater
 The Wonderful World of VoIP
 Tribble Generator
27 Aug 2004Blast from the Past
28 Aug 2004When Standards Organizations Go Bad
29 Aug 2004Interesting development
31 Aug 2004One... MILLION... dollars!
1 Sep 2004Oooo... shiny!
3 Sep 2004Just keeps getting better
5 Sep 2004Frances already?
7 Sep 2004Unexpected money
12 Sep 2004I weep for the present
 Current obsession
16 Sep 2004Arrrgh!
23 Sep 2004Road Trip!
26 Sep 2004Bumper Stickerage
28 Sep 2004Announcement
29 Sep 2004That about sums it up.
3 Oct 2004The New Breed of Asshole
5 Oct 2004The Vice-Presidential Debate
8 Oct 2004Awesome Repairman
17 Oct 2004Political spam
 "I'm not going to be your monkey."
24 Oct 2004Catching Up
27 Oct 2004The Perks
 (No Title)
28 Oct 2004Moon. Red. Whoo.
2 Nov 2004Vote!
 Well, that's over with.
3 Nov 2004Upon more pleasant topics
4 Nov 2004Another Happy Bidet
 A Most Excellent Birthday
 Spin it!
5 Nov 2004Well, crap.
8 Nov 2004Understanding
11 Nov 2004The Worst Band in the World
 License to Ill
 Son of a...
15 Nov 2004Here we go.
18 Nov 2004Tired but happy
20 Nov 2004Ooooooo!
 I get paid to do this
21 Nov 2004Curses!
 Conversation between two musicians
23 Nov 2004You know you want one
27 Nov 2004Indignity
29 Nov 2004Peanut Soup
 Let us servire cantico
 More, more, more!
2 Dec 2004Yow!
 Sin of omission
3 Dec 2004Stuck at work
5 Dec 2004Multicultural
6 Dec 2004O Tannenbaum
 I'd just like to say
9 Dec 2004Spy Camera time again
21 Dec 2004Good news / Bad news
22 Dec 2004Everyone's a critic
30 Dec 2004Still alive, barely kicking
1 Jan 2005It's clobberin' time!
6 Jan 2005Good Clean Fun
11 Jan 2005Fun Florida DL Facts
 Awww, it's so cute!
15 Jan 2005Excellent...
20 Jan 2005Not a date movie.
21 Jan 2005What the hell is going on?
30 Jan 2005Gotta stop doing this
2 Feb 200537.75
3 Feb 200548.25
4 Feb 2005Thank you, spammers!
6 Feb 200559
7 Feb 2005Cow-orker Lexicon
 A Distressing Product
 ...and a less distressing product
9 Feb 2005Hurrah
12 Feb 2005Results
14 Feb 2005Some things never change
 Buy low, sell high
18 Feb 2005"Cribz" it ain't
25 Feb 2005All right, I give in...
27 Feb 2005Ultra Mega MegaCon (part the second)
28 Feb 2005As soon as you clean...
1 Mar 2005A haiku senryu
3 Mar 2005Bummed
 Fun, fun, fun!
4 Mar 2005What's in a name?
 Thunderbirds are Go
6 Mar 2005Hooray, retcon!
 So glad I'm a guy.
13 Mar 2005If it ain't broke, don't fix it
18 Mar 2005Rethinking
 It's a good thing they're sold out...
19 Mar 2005What a bargain!
21 Mar 2005W00t.
24 Mar 2005Warning: contains opinion.
6 Apr 2005Finally, a different topic...
8 Apr 2005Hooray Comcast!
 Neat link
13 Apr 2005Theseus Reborn
14 Apr 2005By Request
19 Apr 2005That sound sure takes me back...
20 Apr 2005Out of the Blue
22 Apr 2005Cross-Country
24 Apr 2005Up, up and away...
25 Apr 2005Wake-Up Call
26 Apr 2005Hash Bash, Day One
27 Apr 2005Hash Bash, Day Two
3 May 2005We interrupt this travelogue...
 Hash Bash, Day Three
 The Rest of the Week
5 May 2005An Open Letter to Someone I Know
6 May 2005WOO HOO! part deux
10 May 2005Ooooo!
19 May 2005Monk, is that you?
 Star Wars... or your Eternal Soul???
21 May 2005Star Wars: ROTS.
22 May 2005Bureaucracy at its Best
25 May 2005Problem solved!
26 May 2005As if politicians weren't already bad enough...
30 May 2005Whoa.
 Culinary Breakthrough!
31 May 2005Uh-uh. No way.
3 Jun 2005It's not news, it's Oh, wait, it is news.
4 Jun 2005Now I've seen it all.
7 Jun 2005Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
8 Jun 2005Ha! Ha!
14 Jun 2005Four more years!
 Hob knobs?
15 Jun 2005Quality is Job None!
19 Jun 2005A Riddle
24 Jun 2005Control freak
25 Jun 2005Fixer-Upper
30 Jun 2005iEnvy
1 Jul 2005Exterminate!
2 Jul 2005Ready to stay home
3 Jul 2005Almost reached the End of the Internet...
 Earth below us, drifting, falling
8 Jul 2005Oh, I thought I heard my voice...
10 Jul 2005Another Day, Another Hurricane
14 Jul 2005Finally!
 Tired now.
22 Jul 2005Funniest thing I've seen all day
24 Jul 2005God Bless Oceania!
31 Jul 2005Zubba zubba zubba
2 Aug 2005End-users say the darnedest things
5 Aug 2005Oops
6 Aug 2005Begin countdown.
9 Aug 2005Quotational irony
 Computer Room
11 Aug 2005Occupational Torture
12 Aug 2005Urge to kill... rising...
13 Aug 2005Lukewarm Tea
16 Aug 2005Curse you, Sonny Bono!
 Boy, fetch me my clue stick!
17 Aug 2005Curry makes it all better
18 Aug 2005The Odd Question of the Day
23 Aug 2005Hey, now there's an idea!
28 Aug 2005Glad I got the chance to see New Orleans
 To Do
5 Sep 2005Google Katrina
7 Sep 2005Brass Easy
10 Sep 2005Flock of Budgies
 "Ye Olde Medievale Timese"
12 Sep 2005I need a shower.
14 Sep 2005Morning chuckle
17 Sep 2005A Question
18 Sep 2005Return of the Soap Opera
20 Sep 2005V-v-v-vocal!
21 Sep 2005Now where are the Hand Chairs?
27 Sep 2005Ahhh, Corporate World!
28 Sep 2005Hmmm...
1 Oct 2005A River runs through it
4 Oct 2005Well, I'll be damned.
 Crap on a stick.
7 Oct 2005Barrier broken
11 Oct 2005Okay, so what else have I missed?
12 Oct 2005Things not to drink at work
13 Oct 2005Life imitates The Far Side
18 Oct 2005Heh...
20 Oct 2005Holy crow, that takes me back...
21 Oct 2005Sure about those models, guys?
2 Nov 2005Overheard at work
27 Nov 2005How I Spent My Summer Vacation November
30 Nov 2005What the hell was that?
1 Dec 2005Denied!
4 Dec 2005Funny thing happened to me today...
 Where are the frickin' laser beams?
5 Dec 2005The Flower of Battle
6 Dec 2005System hosed. System repaired.
12 Dec 2005Weird.
16 Dec 2005Lowering standards: Children
 If it weren't for bad luck...
20 Dec 2005Stuck in the Panhandle
28 Dec 2005Blast from the past
29 Dec 2005Why Veritas Sucks, part LXVII
 Attack of the Robospammers
2 Jan 2006They'll rue the day!
3 Jan 20062006 Work Peeves #1 and 2
4 Jan 2006Finally, it all makes sense!
5 Jan 2006It's work. Hooray, work!
7 Jan 2006Random thought
11 Jan 2006I call shenanigans!
12 Jan 2006I laughed and laughed
13 Jan 2006Finally!
16 Jan 2006770
17 Jan 2006Chindogu or not chindogu?
18 Jan 2006My own personal sitcom
20 Jan 2006O for genetic memory
24 Jan 2006Oh yes. Now this is nice.
27 Jan 2006Ha! Ha! I am on the Intarweb!
29 Jan 2006Wasteful
 Mmmm... beer...
 I'll quit boring you.
31 Jan 2006Crack me this Nut
 Suffering for my Art
6 Feb 2006You have got to be kidding me.
7 Feb 2006Curses! I have lost my voice!
8 Feb 2006Irony
18 Feb 2006Call Agent Scully
22 Feb 2006Can't put it off any longer
 Now I'm getting pissed.
 I'm living in Brazil.
23 Feb 2006Highway Robbery
24 Feb 2006The goggles, they do nothing!
26 Feb 2006Sweet.
 What will it be?
28 Feb 2006Upon reflection, that may have been sarcasm.
1 Mar 2006A Timely Anecdote
3 Mar 2006Pants on fire
 With apologies to Henry Kissinger...
4 Mar 2006Assault and Battery
9 Mar 2006Having a wonderful time...
11 Mar 2006Searching for the Holy Grail
15 Mar 2006I feel special
 England Journal: Monday, 6 March 2006
 England Journal: Tuesday, 7 March 2006
 England Journal: Wednesday, 8 March 2006
17 Mar 2006Odds 'n' ends
20 Mar 2006Must... restrain... self...
24 Mar 2006The Art of Regexp
2 Apr 2006Super Diversion
3 Apr 2006Stage Four
 Life's not all drama.
4 Apr 2006An Interesting Day
 Just in time for Nerdvana
 Thanks, Wikipedia!
6 Apr 2006Booger.
 Yet another computer-game-related post
7 Apr 2006An SCA joke
8 Apr 2006But what about bloggers?
 Video Test
9 Apr 2006"Glory is fleeting, obscurity is forever"
11 Apr 2006Verizon Wireless: On The Ball
 And while I'm on a roll...
13 Apr 2006Happy!
 Get me away from this thing!
14 Apr 2006A Letter to the Editors
17 Apr 2006The Magical Brick of Thutmosis IV
19 Apr 2006Calling it a day
25 Apr 2006A FELONY?!
26 Apr 2006Upon Reactions to Recent News
27 Apr 2006Heard at work
28 Apr 2006Who knew?
2 May 2006It's all relative
 Ego Surfing
4 May 2006FOAD, spammers!
5 May 2006I ♥ Linux
8 May 2006A Resolution
12 May 2006Dang it...
 I work on the Starship Enterprise.
 And speaking of the Enterprise...
17 May 2006Are you there, Google?
20 May 2006Home again
31 May 2006Dear Blogosphere,
4 Jun 2006A Modern Sisyphean Task
8 Jun 2006What I wanted to say...
12 Jun 2006Here we go again...
 Letter from the Front
 Curse you, Olbermann!
13 Jun 2006It's a productivity enhancer, really!
15 Jun 2006Overheard at Work
 Whoa... good timing!
2 Jul 2006Whee, packing
9 Jul 2006Misc and Miscibility
10 Jul 2006Shit.
13 Jul 2006Cheering myself up
17 Jul 2006Drat!
 Six Pearls
19 Jul 2006Who
20 Jul 2006I've got to wonder...
 I HATE it when that happens!
 Best. Photoshop. EVER.
26 Jul 2006Misc Crap
27 Jul 2006I love it when a plan comes together.
29 Jul 2006Whoops!
2 Aug 2006Buh.
7 Aug 2006Snuh.
9 Aug 2006On the Road
14 Aug 2006Back in the world
15 Aug 2006Wow, that's harsh.
18 Aug 2006Awesome! ...and ugh.
19 Aug 2006Snakes! On a plane!
23 Aug 2006Awesome
2 Sep 2006Bwah ha ha ha!
3 Sep 2006Football with the English grad students
6 Sep 2006I have been remiss
10 Sep 2006Observations
14 Sep 2006Unbefuckinglievable.
17 Sep 2006Midrealm
 Indistinguishable from magic
19 Sep 2006Some jokes are timeless
27 Sep 2006Missing verse?
5 Oct 2006That can't possibly be right
10 Oct 2006What are the odds?
 Damned Canucks
14 Oct 2006Getting in the Spirit
15 Oct 2006Gee, that sounds familiar...
 Masons Ain't Right
18 Oct 2006Signs of the Times
 Neat, but weird.
19 Oct 2006Neat, but creepy
20 Oct 2006Us vs Them
23 Oct 2006Ancient German secret, huh?
26 Oct 2006This is what I have to work with.
2 Nov 2006Adventures in Computerland
3 Nov 2006Holy cow
4 Nov 2006Thank you, Anonymous!
 Wait... what?
 Some Indiana election irony
6 Nov 2006Upgrades
7 Nov 2006Do it
 Did It
9 Nov 2006Holy cow... er... elephant!
10 Nov 2006The More Things Change...
22 Nov 2006Sucked In
16 Dec 2006Anticlimactic
17 Dec 2006So cool
5 Jan 2007Now I've seen it all
 The shifting balance of power
9 Jan 2007Grrr
10 Jan 2007Oven Fury
11 Jan 2007Oh, the humanity!
 Insult to Injury
15 Jan 2007Giving up.
 Yet another computer
13 Feb 2007The light goes on
20 Feb 2007Winter Fun
23 Feb 2007Why I read Fark
3 Mar 2007Must be nice to be a celebrity.
4 Mar 2007Antique-store find
7 Mar 2007Wikivia
16 Mar 2007Trailers Always Lie
19 Mar 2007This is why I read Webcomics.
27 Mar 2007Buh?
28 Mar 2007And a better punchline than Garfield's ever had...
1 Apr 2007Knitted Dalek
8 Apr 2007Funny timing
9 Apr 2007Why Get Fuzzy > Garfield
 Freedom on the March
16 Apr 2007Huh.
18 Apr 2007Indiana State Income Tax
19 Apr 2007What?
20 Apr 2007Rewards and benefits already!
22 Apr 2007Nazi Robot Attack
2 May 2007C, eh? N, eh? D, eh?
5 May 2007Awesome
15 May 2007Color me disappointed.
 Mona Lisa
 Guitar Hero?
16 May 2007C>N|K
 Stranger than Fiction
17 May 2007Stupid company
18 May 2007I hate kerning.
21 May 2007I don't remember this
22 May 2007World's Best Temples
 Like I need another hobby...
24 May 2007It's the professionalism I admire #2
25 May 2007It's like Devo meets death metal
31 May 2007How bored am I?
10 Jun 2007Fun fact
15 Jun 2007Encabulator Madness!
30 Jul 2007Scots Accents
 Every Friggin' Time!
31 Jul 2007Trailers Always Lie #2
2 Aug 2007Wigle
5 Aug 2007Out of Context
 It makes a geek proud
15 Aug 2007What the...?
23 Aug 2007Bioshock
1 Sep 2007Addition to the family
2 Sep 2007Darkly Dreaming
3 Sep 2007Catsup?
6 Sep 2007Bioshock, Again
7 Sep 2007At least I'm not alone.
11 Sep 2007Yet another Bioshock post
 By choice, or by birth?
20 Sep 2007Grudging chuckle
 Yeah, right.
8 Oct 2007Least Effective Enticement Ever!
 It never fails.
 Good to know
9 Oct 2007Left or Right?
11 Oct 2007Awesome, evil toy
 Probably ought not watch this at work
15 Oct 2007Would not buy again.
17 Oct 2007Just in time for Halloween
21 Oct 2007Ivory-Tower Arrogance
 I love Mondays
24 Oct 2007Fun with Subtitles
29 Oct 2007Yeah, THAT'S useful.
 No Longer a Joke
1 Nov 2007There are case mods...
5 Nov 2007Where's OUR effigy-burning holiday?
6 Nov 2007Light-bulb joke
11 Nov 2007Excerpt
12 Nov 2007Open Source Watch
26 Nov 2007Need that toll free number?
 Everyone's a comedian
7 Jan 2008Dangerous fun
9 Jan 2008Well, that's... bizarre.
12 Jan 2008An Unexpected Surprise
17 Jan 2008Funny thing about CPUs...
21 Jan 2008A Technological Gotcha
22 Jan 2008No Right to an Opinion
24 Jan 2008Research can be amusing.
25 Jan 2008Upon political discourse
26 Jan 2008Keeping an eye on my minions
30 Jan 2008The decision was made for me
31 Jan 2008Oh yeah, now I remember
2 Feb 2008First attempt
3 Feb 2008For the record...
10 Feb 2008Thrilled!
19 Feb 2008Well, at least it's something for the book...
23 Feb 2008Like I need MORE hobbies?
 Björk Björk Björk!
4 Mar 2008My brain scares me sometimes
5 Mar 2008That's a little better
7 Mar 2008Learn something new every day.
9 Mar 2008Sometimes a cigar is just...
10 Mar 2008Glod damn it!
11 Mar 2008Like a silent, deadly game of Battleship
21 Mar 2008Still more 2D animation software
 Speaking of animation...
24 Mar 2008Stupid people piss me off
8 Apr 2008Thinking way, WAY outside the box...
11 Apr 2008Okay, I fell for it...
 Speaking of Muppets...
14 Apr 2008Geek heaven
15 Apr 2008Geek hell
16 Apr 2008New shirt
18 Apr 2008I just don't see it.
 I used to actually kind of respect the guy.
21 Apr 2008"Thomas Crown Affair! Thomas Crown Affair!"
24 Apr 2008Next on Fox: When Improv Attacks
27 Apr 2008Who's on Who?
28 Apr 2008...and get off my lawn!
1 May 2008Consider me persuaded
2 May 2008Quick-and-dirty coding project of the day
6 May 2008Bad Omens
 His font got serifs, goddamn.
7 May 2008Okay, now I've seen everything.
 This is neat.
8 May 2008Let's play "spot the insinuations"!
14 May 2008On the road again...
 I can has early printed materials?
 Pointy hair is everywhere
15 May 2008Upon the "Test for Husbands and Wives"
 Better living through chemistry
19 May 2008Who's the twelfth?
21 May 2008O Pointy Hair, O Pointy Pointy
25 May 2008Jiggety Jig
 Time for an upgrade
31 May 2008A Number of Setbacks
5 Jun 2008Administrivia: archives
6 Jun 2008Let's run the numbers, okay?
 Move over, Mr. Shyamalan.
8 Jun 2008Rest In Peace, Kurzweil.
9 Jun 2008Sitting in the oven to cool off
 I didn't see this coming.
11 Jun 2008O Pointy Hair, O Pointy Pointy (Part Deux)
16 Jun 2008Typo of the day
10 Jul 2008Odds and Ends
12 Jul 2008Least Competent Landlord Ever
13 Jul 2008Bah
18 Jul 2008God damn it
19 Jul 2008Horrible
 Name that flavor
1 Aug 2008Channeling Henny Youngman
4 Aug 2008You can't spell "gouge" without 'U'.
8 Aug 2008Eight
12 Aug 2008Very nice.
14 Aug 2008Completely 100% unbiased recommendation
 Fun with iSketch
22 Aug 2008I want my instant gratification NOW!
11 Sep 2008Foul Mood Email
 Just like being back in Florida
 And speaking of Terminator...
12 Sep 2008Conversation with a Landlord
14 Sep 2008Conversation with the Landlord, Part II
15 Sep 2008Score!
 At least it wasn't a cricket
19 Sep 2008Happiness Is...
23 Sep 2008Is THAT change we can believe in?
24 Sep 2008Posse Comitatus who?
25 Sep 2008A reasoned and thoughtful response to events
26 Sep 2008Damn it all to hell
29 Sep 2008Tip for the day
2 Oct 2008Stynte... hwæt?
3 Oct 2008All the rage
 Best Webcomics Excuse Ever
6 Oct 2008Further Adventures in Tenancy
 Fun election metric
7 Oct 2008Further Adventures in Tenancy
 4 USC 8. Respect for flag
21 Oct 2008Wikibrowsing
22 Oct 2008Ah, but what about Torchwood?
26 Oct 2008He's a PC
30 Oct 2008Classy.
4 Nov 2008Should've taken the day off.
5 Nov 2008Published by Ostrich Media
10 Dec 2008Open Source for the win
14 Dec 2008The dictionary is more important than a person.
15 Dec 2008Must not be Italian.
17 Dec 2008Yes, it IS a good week.
22 Dec 2008Playford, you old plagiarist!
2 Jan 2009Sehr interessant...
5 Jan 2009What's in a name?
9 Jan 2009Whoa. Dude. Uncool.
15 Jan 2009Paging The Count...
20 Jan 2009Efficiency
24 Jan 2009Everyone's a critic
26 Jan 2009Garfield II
28 Jan 2009And some think you're asking where the window is.
2 Feb 2009Move over, Dave Sim!
18 Feb 2009Evolution
21 Feb 2009Dollhouse
8 Apr 2009Internet Wackos
24 Apr 2009Judging a book by its first page
20 May 2009Spamtoon #1
21 May 2009Spamtoon #2
1 Jun 2009Irony Watch
23 Sep 2009Shenanigans
4 Oct 2009Vancouver is out of ideas too
9 Oct 2009Some type of SNAFU.
11 Jan 2010Another year, another set of resolutions to break.
12 Jan 2010I am so sorry
20 Jan 2010Okay, so let me get this straight.
3 Feb 2010More non-standard Web standards
27 Aug 2010Another one for the massive "To Do" List