Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 30 January 2005
Gotta stop doing this

Didn't really have much of a weekend — went in to work yesterday at 8 AM and got out around 11 PM, and went back in at 8 again this morning for another 10½ hours. All told, the weekend brought my overtime this week up to 40 hours.

I'm a bit tired, but the money won't suck.

I'm hoping I'll have a normal social life again one of these days. Karen and I want to go to the local SCA dance practices, but they're held outdoors and the last couple of weeks have been too cold. I'd love for us to get together again with Simon and Melissa. But it's hard to do things at night when I have to get up at 4 AM to go in to work. Arrrgh.

In addition, I've got a big modeling project that just popped up, for an appreciable amount of money. Karen scoffed, Thirst-like, about my prospects of achieving fame, wealth and power from the work I did on Soap Opera, but this job was a direct result. Take that, Thirst! I was planning on doing some character designs this weekend, but obviously there wasn't time for that.

I finally broke down and ordered Spike Jones Off the Record: The Man Who Murdered Music. I never thought I'd ever be the sort of person who reads biographies, much less goes out of his way to order them, but there you go.

Posted by godfrey (link)
I would actually stop my PVR and watch this as a TV commercial. Any more info on this bid modeling project?
Meeting-week ance practices (mondays only, because meeting-week wednesdays have shop night) are now at the Chins' house, and when it's cold they usually let us inside. FYI.
40 hours of OT! Holy crap! 4am wake up call?! Is this for real? Again, I must say, holy crap!
You really need to drop in more! We'd love to have you, even if it's just for a "hi, howdy, bye."
Obey your Thirst!
Elissa: I'm not sure how much info I can share at the moment. But Soap Opera set the stage for this one, in that it too will feature anthropomorphic normally-inanimate objects as characters.

Anonymous Coward, whose identity I think I know: thanks!

Lisa: Yeah, it's for real. The only thing that makes it bearable is that I know it's only temporary. Well, that and the fat paycheck it'll bring.

blindleadsblind: Definitely. And one of these days we have to have you guys over here, too.

Thirst: plbbbbbt.