Singing Potatoes
Friday, 25 October 2002
Snip snip

Well, my boss just left the office to go get a vasectomy. Which I completely didn't need to know; he could have just said he had a doctor's appointment, or needed to leave early. Ick, now I'll be feeling phantom pain for the rest of the day.

But I've got to say, he's a braver man than I am*; I don't know if I could do that. Just the very mention of the word vasectomy immediately calls to mind that scene from The Serpent and the Rainbow involving a railroad spike. Ick, pleah.

* I'd say he's got more balls than I have, but... you know...

Posted by godfrey (link)
Two of my co-workers have had the procedure done, and I know exactly what you mean: I don't want to know. They've told me two things: 1) a bag of frozen peas becomes their best friend for a couple of days, and 2) It's not that painful - well, that is if you like getting a j-shot with a Nine-iron.

My friend John Almack was "fixed" a few months ago, and he claims that the pain was minimal. I can only assume he has an inhuman pain threshold. He gets all squirrelly when I refer to him as "neutered".