Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 25 February 2003
Buffy, Slayer of the Vampyr

"Why can't you just masturbate like the rest of us?"

Best. Line. Ever.

However, the first half of the episode was fairly slow; fortunately, it eventually picked up and turned into actual storyline.

It also had some blatant errors, especially in the Andrew-the-Auteur segments. For example, during the basement whiteboard sequence, he was purportedly manipulating the camera with the remote control. Zooms are fine, but a consumer videocamera like that won't jump into and out of closeup, and I haven't seen one yet that would aim via the remote. Not to mention the fairly blatant goof where Andrew's shadow reveals that he's not actually holding the camera.

Posted by godfrey (link)
"In my plan, we are beltless."
You know, I am glad that I am so trusting of these shows because I am not distracted by continuity errors.

Being distracted by continuity errors is part of who I am. I don't go looking for them; they just kind of jump out at me.

1) Andrew could have pressed *stop* on the camcorder, zoomed in to where he wanted to be, and started recording again. However, that doesn't change that the camera was mysteriously able to pan on its own. I want that tripod!
2) I don't see evidence that he wasn't holding the camera in the picture of the shadow--to me, it just looks like he's holding it oddly, as one might when attempting to turn it around at oneself. Or do you mean he wasn't holding the camera that was actually taking the pictures?
1) He could have done, except that it frequently switched framing in the middle of a sentence.

2) If you look at the picture, you can see that he's pantomiming holding the camera; his fingers are curled as though he's holding it, but there's nothing in his hand. And if you watch the whole sequence where he turns, you can see light shining through his fingers.

And is it just me, or was it vaguely creepy that when Andrew was watching the surreptitiously taped conversation between Xander and Anya, he was mouthing Anya's words, but not Xander's?

Being distracted by continuity errors is part of who I am. I don't go looking for them; they just kind of jump out at me.

Yeah, me also. It frequently drives people crazy when they watch movies with me.
I also have the feeling that for people who don't care quite as much about continuity errors and might not be as invested in the show *cough*NOTME*cough* the episode might have been quite a bit funnier. I just felt like it was one big "LOVE ANDREW! LOVE ANDREW!" message, and that reminded me horribly of the season 4 "LOVE RILEY! LOVE RILEY!" crap.
I took it as "Andrew is not so bad, but man is he a looser." I dug the scenes as Gods, though. I know people whom I believe view their path through the world like that!
These wouldn't be *coughPeerscough*, would they?
Actually, the 2 I am thinking of are Peers, but would think that way regardless.
