Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 22 July 2004
A page out of Tim Taylor's book
Stupid plastic piece of crap!

The clutch starter switch on Karen's car has been having problems lately. Repeated use has worn it down so that you practically have to jam the clutch through the floorboards in order to close the switch, which makes starting the car a bit of an adventure.

I'd "fixed" it a couple of times by changing its position, but it's finally worn away to the point I can't do that anymore. And a new switch costs $26 at a discount auto parts store, for some reason I can't fathom.

So I improvised. A $3 switch from Radio Shack and some wire later, and the car starts easily again, with the added bonus of having a killswitch that can shut down the ignition altogether. Now is the time to pump my fist and make Tim Allen noises, and hope it doesn't end up like his projects on Home Improvement.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Programmer, 3D artist, musician, and improvised auto repairman... is there anything Godfrey can't do?
Play the violin.

After he learns to play the violin, he'll not be far from taking over the world.