Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 2 September 2003

Bad, naughty Godfrey. We had lunch at Jasmine Thai yesterday, and I couldn't help myself; I ordered a Thai iced tea. And a refill. It's like liquid crack; I could happily drink pitchers full of the stuff. Sadly, the caffeine in those two measly glasses in the middle of the day kept me up until 3 AM with heartburn, even though I took ranitidine as soon as I felt the once-familiar pains.

On the other hand, the late night was quite conducive to working on my newest Secret Project — so I found a silver lining in that cloud even as my œsophagal lining dissolved.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Wow, it's Thai iced coffee that's like crack for me, not iced tea. I have to stay away from coffee, but I can drink all the tea I want (to chai lattes). Mmmmmm, fresh oesophagus.
and the problem with bad, naughty Godfrey is???
The problem is that if I go to bed when I'm having heartburn, I will wake up choking on stomach acid. And if I then cough (as is the normal human reflex in such situations), it spatters the acid on my vocal cords. If that happens enough, it will ruin my vocal cords, and I will no longer be able to sing.

So to prevent that sort of thing, I must avoid caffeine, spicy foods, fried foods, tomato-based foods, mints and alcohol. Which pretty much drains all the joy out of eating, especially for someone whose favorite food was extra-hot Indian curries and whose favorite drink was Mountain Dew.

So "bad, naughty Godfrey" occasionally cheats. Most of the time — if it occurs early enough in the day — there's not a problem. But for some reason, the Thai tea came back with a vengeance hours later.