Singing Potatoes
Monday, 27 August 2001
Fun with Flash

Everybody seems to be creating weird, wacky Flash animations. There's Hyakugojyuuichi, of course, and Hatten är din, and so on and so forth.

When Flash 5 came out, I was lucky enough to snag a cheap copy of Flash 4 from a remainder bin, but never got around to installing it on my machine. But when the AI game came out, with its myriad nifty Flash-intensive sites, I was inspired to learn how to use it, and so I created a fake "Shipbrook Architecture" site for my entry into the International Association of Sentient Architecture's "Debutante Ball".

Of course, it would be a shame to learn Flash and then only use it for one project, so I turned my attention towards solving one of the most pressing issues of our time: the controversy surrounding Chief Wahoo, the mascot of the Cleveland Indians baseball team.

My wife -- an Ohio expatriate who worships Drew Carey and who would cheerfully kill Art Modell with her bare hands if given the opportunity -- calls it sacrilege.

Posted by godfrey (link)