Singing Potatoes
Friday, 3 January 2003
Thoughts upon The Two Towers

Details I liked:

  • Gollum. Damn, the color/specularity/bump maps on his skin must have been absolutely humongous. The lip-synch was perfect. He interacted beautifully with the environment. The only thing that could have been improved was the eyeballs; it was glaringly obvious they used the same exact image map for both eyes, without even rotating them to make them appear non-identical.
  • Liv Tyler is an elf. Specifically, a changeling. It's inconceivable that someone who looks like a Gelfling could produce offspring like this.
  • The tower models themselves gave me hope that moviemaking won't abandon physical miniatures for all-CG models anytime soon. That was some great detail work.

Details I didn't like:

  • Gimli's height kept changing. Sometimes the top of his head came up to Aragorn's shoulder, other times it was down at waist level.
  • I could have sworn that Ents were supposed to be as tall as the other trees in the forest.
  • That was the most tepid "love triangle" I've ever seen.
  • I don't care how realistic they were, the battle scenes where you couldn't tell what was going on were headache-inducing.
Posted by godfrey (link)
I'm so glad Gollum's loincloth stayed put!

He was a great example of Jung's concept of the "Shadow self", btw.
My 2 cents:

* Gimli's height - totally agree, it was almost as annoying as the fact that they turned him into comic relief. This is one bad-ass character, and they had to keep saving him, and the pansy elf was out-killing him. Arhgh!

* That was the most tepid "love triangle" I've ever seen. - I don't know, I think the Sam-Frodo-Smeegle triangle was rife full of jealousy and angst!

I heard a quote from Jackson that his new 'Massive' CGI package, which will program each and every character to act on it's own, not just vibrate in the backgroud - "It will make the opening scene in Gladiator look like a soap-opera slap fight."

Them's big words, let's hope they're accurate.
Actually, I think that was a love quadrangle, if you factor in the Dissociative Identity Disorder — Sméagol obviously had a crush on Frodo, but I think Gollum had the hots for Samwise.

Gollum was the best thing in the movie. I'll spare you my rants about how they diddled with the plot (and the "dwarf-tossing" remark)....sadly, I thought the Ents were big, like, REALLY big, and bitched about it until I looked it up in the book (which I haven't reread for years) and discovered they were....fourteen feet tall. (Then I bitched about how the Ents in the movie were too big. No pleasing some people.) I think it was too many childhood trips to Muir Park that convinced me Treebeard was something like a big friendly sequoia.
Fourteen feet? Well, that's just... disappointing.

Yeah, it seemed most un-Entish. I truly imagined the Ents as redwoods.
One friend of mine forced upon me some truly rancid fanfic, so when Legolas gives the necklace back to Aragorn and Eowyn sees this parts of my brain are going: "Oh so THAT's who gave you the necklace! Oh....oh I see...."
Hullow guys! I don't know you, but I had to tell everybody that Gollum's the best character I've ever seen! I love him so much, 'cause he's sooo cute (according to me), and his life is just... too sad. I cry every time I read the books (which I read quite often). Poor, poor old thing... Ok, I'm sorry, but I had to say it. Thanks for losing your time with me!