Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 10 March 2004
Guess the Mystery Object

If anyone can correctly identify this object... well, I'll be suitably impressed.

Update: now with colors!

Another Update: after this update, further updates to the Mystery Object will occur only on my other blog.

Posted by godfrey (link)
An extreme close-up of Edward James Olmos'...never mind.
Ha! Funny girl.

But no.

A cylinder with bump and color maps applied.

Wait, is that too literal?
Clearly, that post was written by the evil "Anti-Squelch" of episode 23. The correct joke would have been, "a cone with bump and color maps applied."
In fact, it is a cone. But it's a displacement map rather than a bump map, and the colors are applied via an fBm turbulence material consisting of several nested gradient layers. But you were in the ballpark!

Sugar cone?

Mt. Krakatoa?
Doctor Octopus? (What other blog?)