Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 31 July 2005
Zubba zubba zubba
Ha! Ha! I am on the Intarweb!

I've got two computers at my desk at home. There's Theseus, my primary machine, but I threw together a second machine out of spare parts for odd jobs: running as a game server for LAN parties, surfing the Web while Theseus was thrashing, or as a rendering machine for 3D animation.

The power supply died a while ago, and by the time I got around to replacing it, my animation software had moved to the point where it requires XP to run. I don't really feel like buying a fourth copy of Windows XP (it was running ME since I already owned that), so I guess rendering is now out of the question.

So it's been sitting around doing nothing. This week, someone in a Fark thread mentioned Knoppix, a Linux distro that runs directly off a single CD, so I downloaded the ISO and gave it a try.

Utterly beautiful. Booted right up, recognized nearly all my hardware (it didn't know what to make of my wireless card, but fortunately I've also got a wired Ethernet card), has pretty recent versions of various nifty software packages (The GIMP, OpenOffice, Mozilla Firefox, Audacity) and it looks great as well. So I figured, what the hell? I'll install it permanently. I can set it up as a dual-boot system so I can get back to Windows when I need it as a game server.

As if it could ever be that simple. No, the two (old) hard drives I had in the machine only totaled about 12 GB; the first one was nearly full, and the second one had a lot of the games it serves; I didn't want to delete them, and if I repartitioned the hard drive, I wouldn't have a lot of space left for data. A trip to Best Buy yielded an 80GB drive for $30 (once the rebate checks arrive). I gave Karen the hard drive and instructed her not to return it to me until I'd filled out the rebate forms.

While I found instructions for installing Knoppix onto the hard drive, I figured I'd go all the way and just put Debian onto it (as Knoppix is a subset of Debian). The first time I installed it, I ran into trouble when I decided to manually select the packages I wanted to include. See, it displayed packages in a hierarchical list. To expand or contract the branches of the list, one is supposed to hit the <Enter> key. Thanks to Windows, I'm used to hitting the keypad plus key to expand a branch, or the keypad minus key to contract it. These keys, unfortunately, turned out to mean "add this package" or "remove this package" — or, when the cursor is over a branch rather than an individual package, "Add all packages in this branch" or "remove all packages in this branch". So I ended up accidentally removing some very important parts of the operating system. Oops. Start again...

Anyway, it's up, and working, and I've spent the weekend adding in packages. (How long does it take to compile KDE, anyway? This thing's been at it for at least an hour.) Despite the fact that it's an older machine, it seems quite snappy; perhaps I can find a good deal on a no-longer-top-of-the-line laptop and throw Linux onto it.

That would be a fun project.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Oh no! Not another "fun project"! Don't those usually cost money and include lots of swearing on your part?
Not... always...
Hooray, now I care share UNIX geekery with you! I had some major issues getting through the Debian screens on the PowerPC flavor; I don't remember what the problem was but I wound up having to start over, too.

The only thing I dislike about Debian is the package-management system. It's great if you want to use their packages and compile them within the system, but if you try to add-on anything separately and compile it outside the system, you have to fark around with the #includes and all that crap.

Keep us posted!
Actually, despite its text-mode clunkiness, I really like aptitude better than KPackage; it has a better hierarchy, so if I want to install all the 3D-related software, I can find it really easily. (And why is there a modeler for POV-Ray available, but not POV-Ray itself?)

I also wonder why there are no KDE 3.4.2 binaries available for Debian. This thing is still compiling!

Apropos of nothing: Deviant Eunuchs would be a good band name.
Well, it's not still compiling KDE, but only because it's failing when it gets to Cyrus-SASL. And while Google tells me that other people have also had this problem, it fails to point the way towards the solution.

"I figured I'd go all the way and just put Debian onto it (as Knoppix is a subset of Debian)."
You're making this up. That's just gibberish.
Ginevra should appreciate a project where you "I manually select the packages."
I agree - let's talk about fabric!
You think that's gibberish? Try reading the Samba configuration guide.

It's a sorry state of affairs when you Google samba, and many computer language links come up before Antonio Carlos Jobim, Astrud Gilberto or Stan Getz. Not even Charlie Byrd, for Chrissakes.
Well, duh. The Internet is the Land of the Geeks, not the Realm of the Hip.