Singing Potatoes
Monday, 19 July 2004
The Phone Closet

Ever since I gave my notice this morning, my boss has been going into the phone closet to make telephone calls, instead of making them from his desk like he normally does.

This doesn't bode well; after he fired our receptionist, he spent a couple of days on the phone trying to find out how to make sure her unemployment benefits would be denied. Having witnessed that incident, it's hard not to be paranoid when he's suddenly making sure I can't hear the content of his phone conversations.

Posted by godfrey (link)
What the hell is he up to? Is he calling you mother or what?
Probably trying to see if there's a way out of paying me my unused vacation time...
You'd think after all the time you've worked there this wouldn't be such a major issue for him. Let's hope he's not up to something devious and give him the benefit of the doubt. For now. However, if he does act up, he can always go right into the freezer.
You know, "with karate...