Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Just like being back in Florida
Hurricane Dennis

Two nights this week, the power has gone out. Monday night, it died due to a lightning strike (which took out the power on our side of the street, but left it up on the other side). Last night, it went out for blocks in every direction, but no rain in sight.

Tonight we're driving to Indianapolis to pick up a couple more UPSes (Fry's has better deals on them than Newegg).

At least the DVR is on a UPS; it managed to finish recording Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles before it gave up the ghost, though audio was unsynchronized for the last six minutes (after the power went out).

Bizarrely, though, when the DVR came back up, its Ethernet port could send data but not receive it. It doesn't seem to have been caused by the storm, since I shut it down by connecting a cable between my Eee PC and the DVR and sshing in to issue a shutdown command. And it was sending and receiving just fine at that point.

Posted by godfrey (link)