Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 7 May 2002
O Pointy Count, O Pointy Pointy

I've put up a new page on the contrapuntal theories of Dr Thomas Campion, cribbed from an article I wrote this past weekend for an SCA newsletter. I have no idea if it's comprehensible to anyone but me, but it's up there.

Annoyingly, since I wrote it in HTML 4.01 Strict with CSS-2, it came out all garbled under Netscape 4 (which is still hanging in there, unfortunately). So I wrote a second version using HTML 3.2 and no CSS, and set the first version to automatically redirect the user if it detected Netscape 4. An ugly hack, but it works.

One of these days, I'm going to write a set of PHP functions that'll spit out the appropriate formatting codes for whichever browser is requesting a page.

Posted by godfrey (link)