Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 21 August 2002
Where's my spy camera? Part Deux

Last week, I ordered some software. Having received an email from the company that my order was received, but hearing nothing about whether or not it had been shipped, I called to ask about my order's status.

The woman on the other end of the phone gave me the FedEx tracking number, then told me "It's in Florida now, so it should be there either today or early tomorrow."

Wonderful! But, just out of curiosity, I went to FedEx's site and looked up the tracking number. The most recent entry shows that it left the FedEx ramp in Franklin, Massachusetts, last night at 11:52 PM. "Well," I thought, "Perhaps FedEx's Web site is only updated at certain intervals. I'll try calling them instead."

The phone-tracking system told me only that the package was en route last night at 9:16 PM (which was when it left New Hampshire). Wow, even less current!

I assume she wasn't lying — that would be stupid, since she had just given me the information that would enable me to double-check her claim — but it just seems weird that she was able to provide more current tracking information than FedEx itself.

Posted by godfrey (link)