Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 6 April 2005
Finally, a different topic...
It Stinks!

At the last minute, I threw together a couple of scenes for one of Hash's monthly image contests. I didn't win, but at least I entered. This marks the second contest I've entered since buying the software. In 2000. Given the amount of time I spend with the software, that makes me feel pretty lame. But the theme was "Science Fiction/Fantasy", which is about all I do, so I would have felt even lamer had I not entered this one.

Image 1: the Unuiĝinta Tero Kolonista Ŝipo 'Banjano'. This is actually only the engine section of the ship; I started modeling it for a story I was writing for a round of NaNoWriMo a couple of years ago, and stopped work on it when I gave up on the story. This image didn't give quite the sense of scale that I wanted; here's a QuickTime animation showing it in relation to a human-sized object. Or here's a quick render of a Saturn V rocket sitting on one of the clamps for the not-yet-modeled storage section.

Image 2: the Dalek invasion of Tampa. This one I literally threw together in the hour before the deadline; setting up the lighting to match the background plate took the majority of that time. I cropped my entry to the lower half of the image, because all that blank sky at the top wasn't exciting; but the full image serves me nicely as a desktop background.

Posted by godfrey (link)
The Daleks must be confused, what with all that sunlight, and all the humans who don't speak with British accents...
*rolling my eyes* The TARDIS has the power to turn any language into English,somebody didn't watch last Saturday's episode, apparently it also gives them British accents too! If the Daleks were invading Tampa, surly the Doctor would be near by and thus his TARDIS. You know, maybe they were just on a trip to Busch Gardens... can Daleks fit on roller coaster? Oh, and don't forget the free beer!
Well, that's good to know. Now if only someone would explain how the Stargate manages to make nearly everyone in two galaxies speak English (but not certain other people)...

babefish? They've simply never been mentioned on camera...
Even the TARDIS can't get rid of London's eternal drizzle. So if they came to Tampa, just shine some sunlight in their eye-stalks.
Actually, I think they'd be welcome in Florida, especially during the rainy season. Plenty of cockroaches here for them to EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!

When do you start modeling the new Dalek?
As soon as I get enough reference images for it, I guess. As soon as I create grime maps for the old Dalek, I'll release the model.

"New"? "Last Saturday's episode"? I think I'm missing something...
Yes, the BBC's just started the new Doctor Who series with Christopher Eccleston as the ninth Doctor. (His companion is played by Billie Piper, who's apparently a pop music star in England. She kind of reminds me of Lalla Ward, Chloë Annett and Denise Richards all rolled into one.) Alas, BBC America doesn't seem to carry it. There are other sources — not that I'm exhorting anybody to resort to extralegal means to view the show, of course. (Is the BBC as much of a hardass as the RIAA and MPAA?)

It's actually much less cheesy than the TV movie with Paul McGann, though not nearly as funny as Doctor Who and the Curse of the Fatal Death Er, or so I have heard.

Actually, looking at her again, I see a bit of Fairuza Balk in there too, especially when she smiles. Though her eyes aren't as freaky.