Singing Potatoes
Friday, 18 April 2008
I used to actually kind of respect the guy.
It Stinks!

He was amusing in Ferris Bueller's Day Off, personable and quick-witted on Win Ben Stein's Money, but I was a bit disappointed in him when I heard about his antiscientific "documentary", Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. And I lost quite a bit of respect for him when I read this: Six Things about Expelled Ben Stein Doesn't Want You to Know.

I guess he wants to be the Michael Moore of the Right.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Ben Stein is an ignoramus. Julia Sweeney mentions this film in her blog and has this to say about him:

"Ben Stein once did a Groundling show, an improv show, that I was a part of. I found him to be spectacularly ill-informed and narcissistic and weirdly devoted to his schtick and worst of all, hacky. He didn’t listen to his fellow performers and played everything outward to his friends in the audience who laughed (fake, forced) at every single thing he did. When he became known as a “thinker” – when his public persona became the “smart guy” I was astounded. So this type of film does not come as any surprise."

And yes, I remember you! Email with embarrassing moments to follow.