Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 20 April 2004

The current round of the IRTC animation competition is entitled "Dancing". I wonder how low I'd score if I just went with art mannequins? Or could I get away with it as a retro homage to the early days of CG?

Or possibly robots — though knowing my proclivities regarding hyperdetailing, I'd spend a lot of time greebling them, and consequently each frame would likely take forever to render. Crash-test dummies?

Posted by godfrey (link)
Hey, whatever happened to the Old Ones? (Is that what they're called?)

I was having too many problems with the lighting. Thanks to your suggestions, I was able to find a way around it, but by the time I implemented it over the entire set, then animated the "actors", I wouldn't have had any rendering time.

Oh well. I learned a lot while doing it, which is the important thing.

Oh, and they're the Great Race. IIRC, the Old Ones are a different set of beings.

Wasn't Tony Curtis in The Great Race?