Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 9 April 2006
"Glory is fleeting, obscurity is forever"

Karen and I went to see the Napoléon exhibit downtown today. In addition to seeing some nifty stuff, I finally understood the name of the Prince Murat Hotel (named after Napoléon's nephew, who lived in Tallahassee).

Sadly, cameras were not permitted. Nonetheless, I wrote down a couple of Napoléon quotes as we walked through the galleries:

"Ten people who speak make more noise than ten thousand who are silent."
"Four hostile newspapers are to be feared more than a thousand bayonets."
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."

Lots of bees everywhere; Karen was overjoyed. In the museum gift shop, we picked up a set of bee-decorated syllabub glasses (labeled "Champagne Glasses"). I haven't made a syllabub in quite some time, and now I have an excuse.

Posted by godfrey (link)
I wish we could have made it up there in time to check it out. Glad you guys went.
Well, it's still going on through the end of the month...
I wouldn't mind seeing it again.