Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 7 March 2002
Look at me, I can't even quit decently.

Okay, so I quit blogging. Deleted my entries and put up a placeholder page. Nobody cares about what a computer programmer does or thinks, I said. An exercise in futility, I said.

But then, oddly, I kept finding things I wanted to write about. Even if nobody ever read them. And it turns out I did have a couple of people who read my blog, one of whom was my wife. Who has indicated constantly that she misses reading my blog, hint hint.

So I rewrote my blog system to do some things I'd always wanted it to do, but never got around to doing (like using MySQL to store the entries rather than keeping them in a world-writeable directory and hoping nobody found it). And although the main page still appears in reverse order, like most blogs, the archives now display in forwards chronological order.

Or at least they will, when I've got anything to display in them. But it turns out that the Wayback Machine actually has most, if not all, of my old posts. So it looks like I'll have to write a script to convert them.

Would it be worth it to add a comment feature? I don't know.

Posted by godfrey (link)