Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 16 September 2003

In keeping with today's theme... Over the years, I've collected some music equipment. Apart from my keyboard, the centerpiece of my music setup has been a Yamaha MT3X multitrack cassette recorder. I supplemented it with a pair of multi-effects processors: an Alesis MidiVerb III and an ART MultiVerb III. Because I couldn't stand the "percussion" available on SoundBlaster cards, I picked up a Korg MR-16 "MIDI Rhythm Unit" (not quite a drum machine; it's a slave unit meant to be controlled by an external sequencer). And though I rarely used it, I picked up a Gemini MX-4440 DJ mixer from a friend who was selling it to defray the cost of something else.

But once I bought Sonar, I started doing all of my recording on the computer, and used the MT3X as little more than a mixer. Since Sonar has a wide range of effects plugins, the outboard effects processors started gathering dust. I don't use percussion (and if I decided to start using it, Karen has a drum kit), and the Gemini mixer has seen very little use as long as I've owned it.

Last night, I bought a Yamaha MG12/4 mixer, mainly so I could start using condenser mics when recording the Consort (since the board we have on permanent loan from one of our former members doesn't supply phantom power). It's a nifty little board which perfectly suits our current needs (with independent subgroup outs, so I can have a separate channel for everybody), but also leaves a little room in case we add another member.

So, since the MT3X has now become wholly redundant along with the rest of that equipment, I figure I might as well put it all up on eBay for some musician(s) who could actually get some use out of it, rather than hanging on to a rack full of dust magnets. The MT3X won't go up immediately, as I want to go through all my master tapes and dump them all to my computer, just in case I ever want anything that's on there.

Though there's a part of me that wants to keep the MT3X just for æsthetic purposes, since the rack above my keyboard would look so bare with just a mixer on it. Isn't that stupid? And another part of me is whispering, "Keep the effects processors in case the Consort ever wants to add reverb during a live gig," despite the fact that we've never even used an amplifier, let alone effects. See, this is why I can never throw anything away; there's always that nagging question of what if I ever need this again?

Posted by godfrey (link)
The Consort needs phantom power? I can't even garner a guess as to what that means. Does that mean at gigs we can punch guys in the face and leave permanent skull-marks on them?
Now THAT would be kewl!
Excellent, make it so. We might have to rename ourselves "The Bangalla Consort", though.

Anyway, unlike dynamic microphones (which is what we've been using), condenser mics need to be powerered with a DC current between 12 and 48 volts. Phantom power is a means of delivering that power over pins 2 and 3 of a balanced XLR cable, instead of using batteries or a separate external power source. Pins 2 and 3 are also the ones which return the audio signal back to the mixer. I'm not quite sure how that works, but it does.

Fortunately, phantom power doesn't affect dynamic mics, so we can continue to use the mic you got from Sarasota Slim for Sid's recorder part, while adding condenser mics on the acoustic guitars to pick up the attack transients a little better.