Singing Potatoes
Saturday, 1 October 2005
A River runs through it
It Stinks!

I'll admit it: I only managed to catch one episode of Firefly during its brief 11-episode run. It was a pretty good episode ("War Stories"), but I found the mix of spaghetti western and science fiction a little off-putting.

But with the Serenity movie coming out, I figured maybe I should give it a chance. So I rented the first three discs from Netflix (because you can only get three at a time) and Karen and I started watching the backstory.

About three quarters of the way through the two-hour pilot, Karen said "I haven't even finished watching the first one, and I'm mad they canceled it!" I'm kind of glad I didn't get into the series when it was on, because I would have been royally pissed when it was canceled. It was smart, it was funny, it was touching — all the things Fox hates, apparently.

Yesterday, when picking up a new router to replaced my dead one, I bought the series on DVD, and last night Karen and I watched the last six episodes that we hadn't seen. I'm glad we watched the whole thing before seeing the movie; the film would still have made sense, but some of the events wouldn't have had the emotional resonance they had after coming to know the characters and what they meant to each other.

What a great series. What a perfect cast. I now understand what would move its fans to take out full-page ads trying to save it. And I'm glad the movie came out, otherwise I might never have seen such a jewel. Or had the experience of seeing Adam Baldwin play a character I actually liked.

And the movie itself? Definitely worth seeing. But I won't describe why, as I don't think I could do so without spoilers.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Karyl and I loved it while it was on and we were mad as hell it was canceled. Personally, I think they wanted to punish Whedon for having a success on another network (even though they were raking in the cash from Buffy as it was), so they slammed the series into a bad time slot and ran it out of sequence. What a jewel (pun intended).
Argh... you made the same pun before me, damn it.
It wasn't a pun, it was a play on words. And at least we both avoided the obvious Seinfeld allusion.

I think Fox hates anything that doesn't pander to the lowest common denominator. Look how many decent shows they cancel midseason — I'm still pissed at them for axing The Tick after only a handful of episodes.

I haven't seen any of it yet; I've got a deep-seated avoidance reaction to anything fanatics rave about, as is the case of St. Joss of Whedon, but I have noticed one thing; Fox destroys all it's good shows while what I consider the best shows on TV are on FX, a Fox network. It makes no sense. Maybe they'll bring back Firefly to FX.
I certainly don't think Whedon's a saint. After all, he perpetrated Alien: Resurrection, and the last two seasons of Buffy absolutely sucked. Angel was all right — not great, but certainly better than most of the drek on TV — but it went downhill when it became The Spike Show.

Lunchbox, I'm not sure whether you'd like it or not. On the one hand, it's cowboys in space. On the other hand, it's closer to "Evil Roy Slade in space" than "A Fistful of Dollars in space".

I probably would like it, once I got past my initial prejudices. What I find ironic is that, after all these years, it comes back to the initial format, space western, that started it all in the original Star Trek series. Nothing's come close to that for me, what with Next Gen being lawyers in space, and Voyager being like a version of Lost in Space.
I know many love Babylon 5, but I couldn't get into it. I never was much into soap operas, and it seemed like one to me. I did appreciate that it gave Flounder (Stephen Furst) and the robot from Holmes & Yoyo (John Schuck) some work.
Well, Firefly was no soap opera. There was continuity, but the episodes were definitely separate (not whole seasons of "To be continued...").

There's some great work in it by Ron Glass (Detective Ron Harris on Barney Miller), one of my favorite characters on Firefly. Though I think Jayne has to be my absolute favorite.

Would it be possible to borrow the DVDs at some point?

Know what? For a minute there I got "Alien: Resurrection" confused with "Alien Apocalypse" which really sucked. The other Bruce Campbell movie "Terminal Invasion" wasn't too bad and it also had aliens.