Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 12 September 2001
Upon Flight 93

An AP Newswire article on United Airlines Flight 93 has hints of what may have happened to it, yet the last three paragraphs reintroduce the ambiguity of the cause of the crash. It says, in part:

"It sure wasn't going to go down in rural Pennsylvania. This wasn't the target; the target was Washington, D.C.," said Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa. "Somebody made a heroic effort to keep the plane from hitting a populated area."

"I would conclude there was a struggle and a heroic individual decided 'I'm going to die anyway, I might as well bring the plane down here.'"

At least one phone call made from the doomed plane suggested that might be what happened.

Thomas Burnett told his wife, Deena, "I know we're all going to die – there's three of us who are going to do something about it," according to the family's priest, the Rev. Frank Colacicco.

However, it also says:

A passenger who called 911 from his cell phone told dispatchers he was inside a locked bathroom on the plane. Dispatcher Glenn Cramer said the man repeatedly said, "We're being hijacked!"

"He heard some sort of explosion and saw white smoke coming from the plane and we lost contact with him," Cramer said. The man never identified himself.

Minutes later, the plane slammed into the ground, nose first.

I definitely prefer not to believe that the conspiracy nuts were right (that the plane was shot down by the government). That would be horrible in any case (though better than letting the plane take even more lives), but even more horrible if the passengers had managed to overwhelm the terrorists...

Posted by godfrey (link)