Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 12 September 2001
Theories and Reactions

Why did one plane crash in Pennsylvania? I've heard some people espousing the theory that it was shot down by the military, but the interviews of witnesses to the crash didn't contain anything that would lend credence to that theory -- no mention of explosions before the nosedive, no mention of military planes chasing it...

Another theory I've heard is that the hijackers weren't able to control the plane. That's just ridiculous; given the amount of planning that went into this, the precision with which it was carried out, and the skill shown by the pilot in the Washington plane, it stands to reason that all the planes had competent pilots who would have been able to control the planes.

So why did it crash? Did the passengers overwhelm the hijackers? Did one of the flight crew manage to stay alive and kill the terrorist who was flying? Morbid curiosity, I suppose, but knowing would make me feel better. I'll be really pissed if some brainless network executive decides to turn this into a tacky made-for-TV movie.

It still doesn't quite seem real. But there are cops in flak jackets sitting in unmarked cars parked in downtown Tampa. (I breathed a sigh of relief yesterday when Dubya left MacDill AFB.)

And speaking of Tampa, the latest news is that at least two of the men involved in the attack took their flight training about sixty miles south of here.

The thing I find the most sickening is the footage of Palestinians celebrating in the streets. Only a nation of sociopaths could find cause for jubilation in the deaths of thousands of innocent people.

The frightening thing is, it could have been much worse. It still could be.

Posted by godfrey (link)