Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Color me disappointed.
It Stinks!

Karen and I finally got a chance to watch the first disc of season VIII of Red Dwarf last night.

Holy crap.

It was unimaginably bad. Awkward lines, recycled shtick, formulaic jokes... it was as though they'd hired some American sitcom writers who watched a few prior episodes to make note of the lines which got the biggest laughs, then tried to write a three-part story around them. And they wasted precious time by tacking on tediously unfunny bits like dancing shuttlecraft and poor stop-motion animation which did nothing to advance the story. It was simply awful.

If that's how the rest of the final season went, the show's cancellation was a kindness. Sic transit gloria.

Posted by godfrey (link)