Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 28 March 2004

After seeing "Something Positive" mentioned here and there, I decided to check it out today, and read through some of the archive while I was waiting for test renders to complete. Despite the frequent typos, I found myself enjoying it. And every once in a while, in amongst the punchlines, is something genuinely touching.

Definitely one to add to the sidebar links.

Addendum: I didn't know Eliza Dushku was Mormon...

Posted by godfrey (link)

That's pretty darn morman, alright.
Well, everyone goes through a period of rebellion. :-)

My first "official" boyfriend was Mormon. He and all of his little LDS friend were total metal heads, had long hair, were in the SCA, etc. He actually introduced me to the SCA.

I don't see the appeal in their version of religion, but the again, I don't see the appeal in being a vegetarian, either. ;)