Singing Potatoes
Monday, 26 January 2009
Garfield II
Bucky bird

After years of being subjected to Garfield in the comics pages, Get Fuzzy was a welcome relief. Compared to Garfield, it was fresh and funny, consisting of more than just a guy, his cat and a former roommate's dog sitting around the house making the same six endlessly recycled inoffensive jokes.

But of late, Get Fuzzy has just been a guy, his cat and his dog sitting around the house making the same three inoffensive jokes, and a plethora of really bad puns.

As with Garfield, the original cast of supporting human characters has dwindled away to nothing; Rob's friends and family haven't made an appearance in a long time. As with Garfield, the trips out of the house slowed to a crawl, then stopped altogether. And as I found myself doing with Garfield, I'm now reading it out of habit rather than because I find pleasure in it.

The sad thing is, I'm not sure it could be improved by deleting the animals.

Posted by godfrey (link)
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