Singing Potatoes
Monday, 8 May 2006
A Resolution

Since moving to Florida, I've had the chance to get to know some really cool people, and I'm richer for having known them. But I also had the misfortune to know a few real losers, and spent way too much energy trying to maintain friendships with them when, in hindsight, it was a complete waste of my time.

So as I come to start a new chapter in my life, I resolve henceforth not to bother with people who:

  • Genuinely believe that pretend titles in a dress-up hobby club make a person better than someone without those pretend titles.
  • Can't ever seem to say anything nice about other people.
  • Constantly tell tales of how oppressed or victimized they are.
  • Only initiate contact when they want something.
  • Blame every misfortune on others, never on their own actions.
  • Center everything — their entire personalities, all their conversations, all their activities — around one single fact of their lives.
  • Take offense easily at others' actions, but are unconcerned about offending others.
  • Get defensive if someone points out that they're being inconsiderate.
  • Never apologize for anything they've done (or issue something that sounds like an apology, but isn't).
  • Use an email address or IM account in the form "{noun}{god|goddess}".

I think that'll save a lot of headache and drama.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Only initiate contact when they want something.


"I think that'll save a lot of headache and drama."

I know it will!