Singing Potatoes
Monday, 7 October 2002

For some reason, sports announcers and cameramen are desperately in love with Warren Sapp. Any time Tampa Bay is playing, the announcers gush about how wonderful Warren Sapp is, and the cameramen frequently cut to angles of him. Even if he isn't doing anything. Even if he's just sitting on the sidelines.

Last night's game between the Browns and the Ravens showed the same phenomenon with Ray Lewis. For the first part of the game, that was okay; he was actually doing quite a bit, so there was good reason for the cameras to be on him, and for the sportscasters to be talking about him.

But then he was injured. Over and over again, the cameras cut to their darling Ray, doing nothing interesting on the sidelines. The sportscasters continued gushing about him ("This never would have happened if Ray Lewis was still in the game.") When Tim Couch was injured later on, they gave him a quick "Couch has a mild concussion" before talking in great depth about Lewis' wrist injury.

I'd love to see a game between the Bucs and the Ravens; the commentators and cameramen wouldn't know what to do. Perhaps their heads would explode.

Posted by godfrey (link)