Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 7 June 2005
Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Well, there goes the last shred of respect I had for Ben Stein. I know he worked for Nixon and all, but to praise him as a hero for "fighting for peace" (in other countries), while completely ignoring that Nixon and his staff were committing crimes in order to subvert the basis of democracy in our own country — and, of course, to paint Mark Felt as a traitor for divulging classified information (as though the commission of crimes by our elected officials and their appointees should be protected as classified information ) — demonstrates a remarkable lack of integrity, honor and conscience.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Yeah, didn't take long, did it?
I lost it during the election when I saw Stein spouting all kinds of neo-con bullshit. Once a fascist...

I especially liked G Gordon Liddy speaking out against Felt. Gee, G, I'm sure you're being totally objective on your talk show, even though you went to jail for the crimes he ID'd.

They're just jealous!