Singing Potatoes
Friday, 21 February 2003
Bad time to be a Marine

Miners used to use canaries to test for the presence of deadly gas. Apparently, the ASPCA or PETA have gotten to the US Marines, because instead of using canaries or other expendable animals, they've decided to use their own men to determine whether there are deadly chemical or biological contaminants in the area.

This was just a drill. There was no gas, and everybody knew it. In combat, however, the Marines realize the chosen ones might panic and put up a fight. So just in case, the other Marines always disarm those whose masks are to be removed - by force if necessary.

Jesus muscular Christ.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Are you referring to "muscular Christianity"? Because if so you're the only other person I know who has ever heard of that, and I only know about it because I read a lot about 1920s literature, being obsessed with Hemingway and Fitzgerald.
No, I shamelessly adapted it from Joss Whedon.

But now I'll have to look up muscular Christianity.

HA. How did I miss that? Anyhow, here you go. Whacky, ain't it? I think I first learned of the phenomena through Fitzgerald and Wolfe (there's a satire of a typical muscular Christian type talk in The Web and the Rock -- about would Jesus be the quarterback on a football team, &c.). The Man Nobody Knows was wildly popular in the mid-twenties, and I think Nick Carraway reads....damn, what does he read in Myrtle's apartment? Simon Called Peter? I can't find my Gatsby at the moment....

Ah the joys of being an English major!
Oh no, "woman peril" in the churches! Run away! Run away!