Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 13 April 2005
Theseus Reborn
Stupid plastic piece of crap!

Saturday, Theseus (my computer) died. Just shut off, and wouldn't restart for a couple of hours. When it did come back, the video was screwed up -- various blocks all over the screen where the colors were off. Arrrgh. Time for an upgrade.

I'd been planning to upgrade, but hadn't ordered the parts from Newegg yet. So I had to pick up the parts locally, which cost a bit more and didn't give me a great selection. Naturally, they didn't have a motherboard that would handle my old slow CPU and still give me the option of upgrading. So I went with a decent motherboard with enough PCI slots for me (I've got three soundcards). I upgraded to a relatively fast processor — an Athlon64 3200+ — not top of the line, but performance-wise about twice as fast as my old one. Naturally, my existing PC2100 memory was too slow, so I had to buy a gig stick of PC3400. And a new video card (GeForce 6600 GTOC). Oh, and a new power supply, because naturally my existing one didn't have the right connectors.

And I was happy with that; finally got it working Sunday night. Monday night, after doing my taxes (because my last W2 form finally arrived), I ran Sandra to do some benchmarks on the new system. Yoinks — Mainboard temperature 54°C! 50° is dangerously hot; no wonder the old system died! As much as it hurt, I shut off my neat new system until I could get a better chassis.

I went with an Antec case, because I liked the number of fan mounting points. I also bought a CoolDrive 4, which serves as both a hard drive cooler and a fan speed controller. So despite the fact that I've got a total of ten fans going now, it's no louder than my old case, which had only four.

I also bought some useless eye-candy for the front: a panel with three analog meters displaying soundcard left/right volume levels and hard disk usage. I love blinkenlights. The only way it could be better is if it had Nixie tubes. It actually does have a function: regulating the volume on the soundcard. But since I've got a 5.1 system, it'll only work on two speakers at a time — so if I turn down the front speakers, a stereo sound will still come through at full volume at the rear speakers, since Windows helpfully sends stereo sounds to the rear speakers as well. Of course, I could easily fix that by installing a second one! More blinkenlights!

Posted by godfrey (link)
Who is this Sandra person?
All these numbers... 6400, 2100, 3400, 6600... is that a Fibonacci series?
You should post a picture - that would make me writing about your computer a lot easier.
Is it my imagination, or does your computer die and need upgrading the week before Nerdvana every year?

"Khan, I'm laughing at the superior intellect."

Let slip the smacktalk of war
Must be your imagination. I may have performed some upgrades before Nerdvana in the past — or during it, in at least one case — but this is the only time it actually up and died on me.

Smacktalk, eh? Okay, I will kick y'all's asses in B1942 with my favorite Secret Weapon of WWII. Well, my favorite one that is not the jetpack, as that's not really much of a weapon. Actually, I will own you all in any FPS we play.

Now, when it comes to the RTSes, I'm sure I will — as usual — be the first one dead before Scott and/or Albert wipe the floor with everyone else. (How many Nerdvanas will it take before we learn to all gang up on them at the start of the game?)

When it comes to FPS', I feel victorious when I'm not the one you've killed the most. Brian and I are working toward a jet-pack free tomorrow.