Singing Potatoes
Saturday, 20 May 2006
Home again
Cup of Rum

Well, as my previous entry indicated, I was sent up to Hail Satan Fort Wayne, Indiana, for business. The meeting was everything I expected it to be, and less. Wednesday we spent eleven hours going over data from all our various state (and province) programs, but on the bright side we managed to accomplish everything we needed to, so I had Thursday entirely to myself.

The high point of the trip was being able to see Ange and Michelle again. They were going to take me to a good Indian restaurant, but since my flight got changed, I arrived two hours later than I was supposed to, and it was closed between lunch and dinner. So we ate at a place — I forget the name — populated by hand-painted cardboard cutouts of celebrities wearing fabric clothes, who stared at us all through the meal.

I also took advantage of my free day to drive out to West Lafayette and look at the Purdue campus. Before I was out of the Fort Wayne city limits, I found myself driving into a double rainbow:

Double rainbow

Were I a superstitious person, I'd know whether that was supposed to be a good omen or a bad one. Anyway, Purdue's got a very nice campus; big, lots of grass and fountains, and lots of brick buildings. I'm guessing this one's the chemistry building:

Nice set of pipes!

I went looking for a movie to occupy my time Thursday night. The first cinema I found had only one movie I was interested in seeing — but no! That movie was canceled so they could put The Da Vinci Code on as many screens as possible. The next two cinemas had nothing I was interested in seeing. The third one had recently been demolished. The fourth one wasn't where Streets & Trips said it was, so I gave up, went back to the hotel and read one of the books I'd bought for the return trip (Larry Niven's Children of Ringworld), so I finished the other one (Neil Gaiman's Stardust) while I was still in the air.

And then home to my beautiful and loving wife, who regaled me with tales of how she'd spent two hours brushing our fluffy cat, which still managed to pull out and eat enough of her fur to make a big hefty hairball.

Posted by godfrey (link)
You should specify Indianapolis was where you couldn't find a theater.
i did google it. couldn't find it.
Aha, my bad. Silly of me not to have remembered a comment from 600 posts ago!

Am I getting this straight; has someone spent the last 3 years looking for Frazier fan fic?
"Have you been chasing me your whole life only to fail now? I think that's the worst thing I ever heard.
How marvelous."

Count Rugen
The Princess Bride
