Singing Potatoes
Saturday, 15 September 2001
Now I'm pissed again.

As if Falwell and Robertson using the World Trade Center tragedy to justify their intolerance and hatemongering wasn't enough, the Scientologists have been boasting amongst themselves about their efforts to disrupt the grief-counseling activities of legitimate mental health professionals (and here I thought tricking Fox News into displaying the Dianetics number as a "National Mental Health Assistance" line was an egregious abuse of other people's suffering).

Quoting sections from a letter received by an ex-member who's still on their email lists:

To: Scientologists
From: CO I HELP Canada

Dear All,

For the last two days I have been in New York Org running, with several other Sea Org members, the deployment of Volunteer Ministers into the disaster zone.


Additionally we are trying to move in and knock the psychs out of counseling to the grieving families and that could take another 100 plus people right now. Due to some brilliant maneuvering by some simply genius Sea Org Members we tied up the majority of the psychs who were attempting to get to families yesterday in Q&A, bullbait and wrangling. They have a hard time completing cycles of action and are pretty easy to disperse. But today they are out in full force and circling like vultures over these people and all of our resources are tied up in the support efforts in the disaster zone at present.

[...] No one can do anything for them or the rest but Scientologists. The other religions here with their ministers have shown their true colors and are working hand in hand with the psychs to give these people as much false data and restimulation as they can. They HAVE NO TECH and they're not even trying to hide it anymore. They've crossed over and abandoned anything spiritual and to hell with them.

So I'm sending this out to you. It is a direct request for your presence here now. We are uptone. We are making it go right. We need help now. And what this place needs now more than anything else in the whole wide world is more Scientologists here right now.

Thank you.

Lt. Simon Hare CO I HELP Canada (in NY)

Scientologists use a lot of nonstandard jargon, especially when talking amongst themselves. The two most important ones in the letter above are: the "Sea Org", which is the inner corps of hard-core Scientologists -- the ones who've signed a billion-year contract to serve Scientology -- and "psychs", which is their term for legitimate mental-health professionals (whether psychiatrists, psychologists or just counselors), whom Scientologists hate. For more information, visit Operation Clambake.

I despise the cult of Scientology, but trying to prevent grieving families from getting grief counseling is low even for them.

Posted by godfrey (link)