Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 17 June 2004

Nifty app: VNC, which lets you control a Windows or Linux machine remotely from just about any kind of computer. Hooray, no more squatting down under a counter to change things on the file server at work; and I won't need to bring the KVM switch to the LAN party this weekend, since I can use VNC to control the game server.

Also, I finally got around to trying one of those tongue scrapers. Not only is my breath fresher, but I can taste things more clearly. (I wonder if it'll affect my tolerance for spicy foods?) I learned one thing the hard way: overdoing it is a Bad Thing. Scraping too many times in the same spot can result in a bleeding tongue, and scraping too far back kicks the gag reflex in quite violently. I've kept a tight lid on my stomach since sixth grade — despite even food poisoning and surgical complications — but that streak almost ended the other night with an injudiciously placed scrape.

Posted by godfrey (link)
That VNC link couldn't have come at a better time. I just got roped into being network administrator for my daughter's nursery school, and I was looking for a way to remotely control a Windows machine from my Mac.

LAN party? What games are you playing (he asked, newly struggling with his addiction to Call of Duty)?
Well, we know we'll be playing Tribes 2, since it's free now (at least for the PC), Battlefield 1942 and Age of Empires 2. If there's interest, maybe we can try some Armagetron and the Game Over demo (I wonder if they'll even release the full game, since the show was canceled after only a couple of episodes). And anything else we can get running. Possibly even some old-school Jedi Knight.

I know a couple of us still have a fondness for Duke Nukem 3D — made with A:M! — but sound is broken under Windows XP, which just about all of us have (there is a way to get sound working, and I've done it, but it's a royal pain in the arse).

Let me know what you think of BF1942. Its release for the Mac is imminent and it looks intriguing.
I like it better than MOH:AA... and I love MOH:AA. It's good looking, the AI is actually pretty decent, and some of the player classes really add a lot to the gameplay (I find being a Medic is a lot of fun).

I like the fact that you can lie down and crawl instead of just crouching. I like the vehicles (though I'm a terrible pilot). I love the co-op play mode; deathmatches are fun, but I get more out of working together with people to achieve a specific objective, and it's great for everyone in the room (or on the voice server) to work as a team against the computer.

Dude you need to try Call of Duty, then; the demo is so good I'm going to CompUSA to get it in my hands today rather than pay less at Amazon.

Granted, I haven't tried it as a multiplayer, of course (I'm a loner by temperament), so if you're more into that, it's probably just MOH:AA by a different name. But the cool thing is that your AI teammates stick around, rather than dying immediately, and the enemy AI (as far as a noob like me can tell) is good too.

ARGH! Too many addictions! Must return to Duck Sauce! :)
Dude you need to try Call of Duty, then; the demo is so good I'm going to CompUSA to get it in my hands today rather than pay less at Amazon.

Uh-oh. Must... resist... at least until after the move is paid for and I've got a new job.

Um,I'd like to point out that the reason there is a vomit function is to expell things that should not be there at a given time. So, you might want to reconsider your policy of no up-chucking.

Just saying. XXOO
Thanks, Anonymous Coward, but I know quite well what vomiting is for. I still refuse to do it unless there's a high probability of imminent death if I don't.

Who else besides me signs with XXOO? C'mon dude, I mean really! Sorry about the lack of signature.

SID(still having XXOO for you)
Sid, is there a reason you don't just put your name in the Name: box? You don't need to put your email or URL in, you know...
Um, cause I didn't know I was supposed to all the time? Sorry.

You don't. Once you enter it, it should remember who you are so you don't have to enter it again.