Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 9 August 2006
On the Road

I'd hoped to be in Tennessee before we stopped for the night, but we got a rather late start and ended up in Montgomery, Alabama. Found a La Quinta that was pet-friendly. Had a hard time getting to sleep, with one car full of computers and the other one full of guitars, but eventually managed to drop off. Next thing I knew, the alarm was going off.

The drive up wasn't too bad, apart from the tropical-storm-like deluge that hit just as we were trying to get gas. As we sat in the cars waiting for the rain to let up enough to get out, the power went out at the station. We drove on, found another station. Managed to get gas, and check/fill the tires on one car, and then the power went out at that station before I could fill the other car's tires.

Normally I sing to keep myself awake. With the cats' carriers stacked up in the passenger seat, any noise on my part — a sneeze, a cough, or especially singing — caused a chorus of frantic meows.

Well, time to get on the road again. Another ten or eleven hours of driving (ideally — as long as we don't run into any more storms...)

Posted by godfrey (link)
Gah--my butt hurts just thinking about this.
Funny, I sing to the kitties when I drive them to the vet to drown out that horrible crying noise!!

Drive safely!!
You could always turn around and come back to Tally! ;o)