Singing Potatoes
Monday, 9 April 2007
Why Get Fuzzy > Garfield
Bucky bird

Yesterday's comics truly highlighted the difference between the cat-based humor of Get Fuzzy and Garfield. In Get Fuzzy, Bucky wipes his ass on Rob's sandwich, just because that's the kind of cat he is.

Get Fuzzy: Ass Sandwich

And in Garfield, Garfield locks Jon out of the house in the rain, for probably the twentieth time.

Garfield: Yawn.

Jim Davis, as he has said in interviews, didn't start Garfield to write a funny cartoon, but to sell merchandise (which he can't do if offended people boycott his products). Darby Conley, on the other hand, makes a funny comic.1 And somehow manages to get a feculent sandwich past the editors and into the papers.

Now, once upon a time, in the early days of Garfield, there was a strip in which the punchline was "I just killed a fly somewhere on your raisin toast." That was actually funny. Still, it was no "ass sandwich".

1. Except for the "booger" storyline from a year ago. That one kind of sucked.

Posted by godfrey (link)
I'd like to see Garfield try to eat a monkey.
If only there were more ass-sandwiches in the funny papers...

That comic made me immediately think of Norm and Osric.
Ha! Ha! It reminded me of the story of a certain Trimarian king who rubbed his balls on everything in his queen's guest bathroom...