Singing Potatoes
Friday, 9 January 2009
Whoa. Dude. Uncool.
The Shocker

So on one of my weekly phone calls today, the manager of the Florida project informed me that one of his support techs was no longer with the company, as he was arrested Sunday for murdering his father.1

I was dumbfounded. Bob was a nice guy; quiet,2 but a good sense of humor. Of the Florida techs, he wasn't one of the ones I would have pegged as capable of doing something like that. Though he had been in the Navy, so I suppose he was trained to be able to.3 And he kept his van absolutely ship-shape, everything tied down and squared off. One sees a van like that, and one expects the owner's mind to be similarly tidy and well-ordered.

I have an uneasy feeling that within a year there's going to be a made-for-TV movie about him... or at least an episode of Law and Order.

1. Not that the company has an explicit policy against their employees murdering people; since he didn't show up to work for three consecutive days, the company considered him to have abandoned his job, and terminated his employment.

2. Of course.

3. Kill in a generalized sense, of course. I would not wish to be misinterpreted as suggesting that the Navy trains its recruits in the art of patricide.

Posted by godfrey (link)