Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 28 October 2004

Check out the Brunching Shuttlecocks' Book of Ratings. They grade a staggering array of diverse categories. D&D monsters. Schoolhouse Rock songs. State quarters. Æsop's Fables. Marvel Supervillains. Dante's Inferno Punishments. Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavors. Hats. The A-Team. And so much more.

An example (from "Input devices"):

Most modern input devices, and trackpads in particular, suffer from the same limitation: people on Star Trek would look really stupid using them. Imagine: The Enterprise (Real Star Trek shows have an Enterprise. It's that simple.) is being attacked by the Corinthians or the Calgons or whatever, and everyone -- helm, science officer, chief engineer -- is twirling their pointer fingers around on trackpads like a class full of kindergarteners trying to fingerpaint on Post-It notes. Bad scene. C-
Posted by godfrey (link)