Singing Potatoes
Monday, 7 February 2005
Cow-orker Lexicon

That's okay (ðæts o'keI) - interjection, roughly equivalent to "I shall now attempt to top the story or anecdote you have just told."

Posted by godfrey (link)
Yeah, what is with that? It is equally interchangeable with "That's nothing..."
I try to make it a point that when I hear someone say that to another after a story, I interject "No it's not. No matter what you did."

I'd get irritated, but it's almost funny. I'm tempted to make up a flash card reading "That's okay", and have it ready to hold up when the words are uttered. Kind of like the time a Canadian friend of mine insisted she never said "eh", and I repeated it every time she said it. Eventually I stopped because she hit me whenever I did it. (Who says Canadians are pacifists?)

What's is funny, though, is the chatterboxes who complain that other cow-orkers talk too much.

A million bonus points for using IPA in a blog! Well done!