Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 18 December 2002
The Madness

Last night, for dinnertime entertainment, Karen and I bypassed the All Friends Network and The Friends Channel to watch some of the supplemental material on the Fellowship of the Ring DVDs. That segment on the moving forced perspective was sheer genius; it left me with a newfound admiration for Peter Jackson.

And though I hadn't been terribly hyped about the forthcoming second installment, it certainly whetted my appetite, and I now find myself sympathizing with Bob the Angry Flower's eager anticipation.

Posted by godfrey (link)
I do want to see "The Two Towers" (although I didn't feel the need to go last night at midnight), but I still like Kevin Smith's comment from Megacon:
"Look, I know you'll all write me lots of hate mail, but I can't get into watching three hours of people walking."
I'm more interested in The Two Towers than in Return of the King. The third book, if I recall correctly, was overwhelmingly filled with big battle scenes, which I guess will look great on the big screen, but plot-wise I found it the least satisfying of the trilogy.

Oh, that and the politics of Minas Tirith. Bleh. Just not my scene.

Saw it last night. Still reeling....

You will not be disappointed.