Singing Potatoes
Saturday, 15 November 2003
Day the Third

Got together with Ange and Michelle. We (and their kids) went to a children's museum. Which was not something I expected to be doing when we left for this trip, but it kept the kids occupied and gave us "adults" a chance to hang out together.

Sadly, Ange had to leave early to take her underlings out to dinner. We chatted with Michelle a little while longer, then went back to the hotel room, stopping first at Dick's Sporting Goods to see if Karen could get any double-entendre T-shirts (but they didn't have any), got some food and watched a Kevin Kline movie before turning in for the night. For some reason, spending the day in a building with five floors of running, screaming children was a bit tiring. I honestly don't know how full-time parents do it, and it cemented my conviction that I'm just not cut out to be a parent.

Posted by godfrey (link)