Singing Potatoes
Monday, 6 October 2008
Further Adventures in Tenancy
Bucky bird

Last Friday, I sent the landlord a certified letter, stating (per Indiana statutes) that he had been informed of issues with the house but had not rectified them; that the letter served as written notice and that if they had not been fixed within a reasonable period of time, we would seek redress in court.

Monday, he came out and put a couple of inches of dirt around the house, which he apparently feels will be enough to keep water from seeping through the unsealed basement walls several feet below ground level.

Friday, someone wearing a T-shirt bearing the landlord's painting company name arrived with a sheet, apparently from the city inspectors, containing several violations which needed to be fixed. He fixed two of them, and promised to come back Sunday to fix the rest.

As we expected, he did not return on Sunday.

Posted by godfrey (link)