Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 10 March 2004
It's a beautiful world we live in

Took Karen out to eat at our favorite Thai restaurant on Saturday for Valentine's Day. The food was amazing, as always. As we were preparing to leave, a guy a couple of tables over from us was ordering his meal.

"Okay, I want very little fish sauce, you understand? I still want it spicy, but I don't want a lot of fish sauce. Very little fish sauce, but still spicy, okay?" He repeated himself a few more times, then as the waitress moved away, said in an unnecessarily loud voice to his companions, "Have you ever seen fish sauce being made? It's not a pretty sight, I can assure you."

Dude. If the fish sauce is that objectionable to you, there's a whole menu full of other things — including spicy dishes — you can order. Or do you just get your jollies by being a dick in public? I almost wonder if he's the same guy in the convenience shop in the building next door to my office, who snapped, "Come on, hurry up! Chop chop!" to the Asian proprietress because she wasn't moving quickly enough for him.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Junior Western bacon chee - JUNIOR!
That was, in fact, the very first thing I thought of. He was extremely strident as he reiterated his request for very little fish sauce, but still spicy.