Singing Potatoes
Monday, 21 March 2005

For years, I've been trying to teach myself to draw more realistically. Today, I threw that all away and designed one of my protagonists unrealistically. And I'm surprised to find that I'm happier with this version than with any of my previous attempts to design him.

Now I just have to transform him from a crude sketch to a fully articulated 3D model. Piece of cake, eh? (Actually, first I have to make a bottle of Liquid Plumber, but that's a different story.)

I'm considering turning my inactive LiveJournal into a design journal for the as-yet-unnamed project. Would anyone be interested in that, or should I spare you all the boring details? Let me know. (Yes, you. Come on, post a comment, it won't hurt. Much.)

Posted by godfrey (link)
I'll read all your blogs - I'm one of your biggest fans, after all.
I've wanted to see what you've been doing since Day One. Then again, I have been called a stalker.
I'm torn...While it would probably serve you best to be a journal of your project, how are the rest of us going to find out some of the other things that you are doing/thinking?
This is not my LiveJournal.