Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 19 August 2004
Vol. 1& 2

Karen and I finally went to see Kill Bill, both volumes played back-to-back at the student union. She got to see them free, I had to pay a whopping $4. It was worth it.

I couldn't help laughing at the Pythonesque geysers of blood — the carnage somehow seemed unhorrifying by its over-the-top exaggeration — but the scenes with Pai Mei had me in stitches. And the music cues had me laughing as well, especially the recurring Ironside theme.

Very impressed with the actors' linguistic achievements. I hope there's not an "all English" soundtrack on the DVDs to cater to people who don't like to read subtitles.

Posted by godfrey (link)
I couldn't help laughing at the Pythonesque geysers of blood — the carnage somehow seemed unhorrifying by its over-the-top exaggeration...

See, you need to explain that to my wife. That was my reaction, too, upon seeing Vol. 1, but K was so disturbed by it she refuses to watch 2 with me.
Well, tell her that it only happens in Vol. 1 — Uma only kills one person in Vol. 2, if I'm remembering correctly. In fact, I can only remember three total deaths in the latter half, none of which involved swords. And one of which wasn't gory at all, though it made me sad because he was my favorite character in the whole duology.

But then there was the way Uma ended her fight with Daryl Hannah, which might squick your wife out. (Though I did laugh there too, because I totally wasn't expecting it.)