Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 28 May 2003
Disaster, interrupted

I was working on updating the Trimarian Arts and Sciences site, and I noticed that crufty old Netscape 4 wasn't downloading OpenOffice documents properly. (That's not the least of Netscape's troubles, but the little things can be fixed immediately.)

So I fired up telnet, edited my server's configuration file, added the MIME type for .SXW documents, and tested it out. It worked.

I pulled up trusty old WS_FTP, downloaded a copy of the new configuration file to my home machine... but no! I'd hit the wrong transfer button, and an incredibly ancient version sped its way over to the Web site, obliterating the correct one!

My heart sank, but suddenly I realized — I hadn't yet exited out of the editor in the telnet window! It still had the correct version in memory. (Hooray, we are saved.)

The moral of the story is: a cluttered desktop can avert careless disaster.

Okay, so Æsop I'm not.

Posted by godfrey (link)
You are so smart - s,m,r,t.
In that case, it was luck.