Singing Potatoes
Monday, 22 October 2001
One Year.

My wife and I have a couple of favorite restaurants. One is Der Schnitzelhaus, a German restaurant owned and operated by a man who looks like Dr. Bricker from The Love Boat. Not that his looks have anything to do with the food, of course.

We can't eat there very often, otherwise we'd both be morbidly obese. We do eat there for special occasions. Saturday night, we went with some friends to celebrate Oktoberfest, which doubled (for us) as an anniversary dinner.

One year of wedded bliss. Doesn't seem anywhere near that long, yet at the same time it feels like we've always been married.

So many changes in that time. Looking through the wedding pictures, they're thrown into sharp relief: These people are divorced. This group of coworkers no longer work together. This couple had a baby. This bridesmaid had not yet visibly crossed over into clinical insanity. Nobody there feared anthrax (except possibly the person who fears to urinate during a thunderstorm, lest electricity travel up the stream of urine and electrocute him).

Despite the changes in our lives, the important things have remained the same: I love Karen with all my heart. She doesn't mind my idiosyncracies. We make each other laugh. At the end of the day, it's worth coming home.

One year.

Posted by godfrey (link)