Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 25 June 2003
Star Wars Pants

Over the weekend, during dinner at the Columbia in St. Augustine, we passed our time at the "bachelors' table" playing the Star Wars Pants game.

If you're not familiar with it, you take a line from Star Wars and replace a noun with the word "pants". Great fun.

If you're as bored as I am, check out the comments to this entry, where I've placed all the good ones I could come up with.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Trooper: The Death Star pants are not in the main computer.

Vader: Where are those pants you intercepted? What have you done with those pants?

Vader: Commander, tear this ship apart until you've found those pants and bring me the Ambassador. I want her alive!

Owen: You can waste time with your pants when your chores are done.

Luke: You got a lot of carbon scoring here. It looks like you boys have seen a lot of pants.

C3PO: What message? The one you've just been playing! The one you're carrying inside your rusty pants!

Owen: That old man's just a crazy wizard. Tomorrow I want you to take that R2 unit into Anchorhead and have its pants flushed.

Luke: It looks like I'm going nowhere. I have to finish cleaning those pants.

Luke: Wait, there's something dead ahead on the scanner. It looks like our pants... hit the accelerator.

Ben: Don't seem to remember ever owning pants. Very interesting...

Ben: I think we'd better get indoors. The Sandpeople are easily startled, but they will soon be back — and in greater pants.

Ben: Vader was seduced by the dark side of the pants.

Leia: General Kenobi, years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars. Now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the pants.

Vader: The pants you refer to will soon be back in our hands.

Motti: Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's pants, Lord Vader.

Vader: I find your lack of pants disturbing.

Tarkin: We will then crush the pants with one swift stroke.

Ben: You don't need to see his pants.

Ben: These aren't the pants you're looking for.

Ben: The pants can have a strong influence on the weak-minded.

Bartender: Your pants. They'll have to wait outside. We don't want them here.

Han: Looks like somebody's beginning to take an interest in your pants.

Ben: You'll have to sell your pants.

Han: Tell Jabba that I've got his pants.

Greedo: Jabba's through with you. He has no time for smugglers who drop their pants at the first sign of an Imperial cruiser.

Greedo: You can tell that to Jabba. He may only take your pants.

Han: It looks like an Imperial cruiser. Our pants must be hotter than I thought.

Han: We're losing our pants. Go strap yourself in; I'm going to make the jump to lightspeed.

Leia: Governor Tarkin, I should have expected to find you holding Vader's leash. I recognized your foul pants when I was brought on board.

Leia: The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your pants.

Leia: No! Alderaan is peaceful! We have no pants! You can't possibly...

Ben: I felt a great disturbance in the pants... as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

Han: Hokey religions and ancient pants are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.

Luke: With the pants down, I can't even see. How am I supposed to fight?

Ben: Your pants can deceive you. Don't trust them.

Ben: In my pants, there's no such thing as luck.

Han: Even if I could take off, I'd never get past the pants.

Luke: Look, will you just find a way back into the pants?

Luke: Rich, powerful... Listen, if you were to rescue her, the reward would be... well, more pants than you can imagine!

Han: Uh... had a slight pants malfunction. But, uh, everything's perfectly all right now.

Luke: I'm here to rescue you. I've got your pants.

Vader: A tremor in the pants. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master.

Leia: Looks like you managed to cut off our only pants.

Han: Maybe you'd like it back in your pants, Your Highness.

Luke: The pants are moving!

Vader: Your pants are weak, old man.

Han: Just hope the old man got the pants out of commission.

Luke: It's not impossible. I used to bullseye womp rats in my pants back home.

Officer: We've analyzed their attack, sir, and there is a danger. Should I have your pants standing by?

Red Leader: Negative! It didn't go in, it just impacted on the pants.

Leia: Hey, I knew there was more to you than pants.

How do you know so many Star Wars lines anyhow?

I looked up the script on the Internet.

Yeah, that's what I did.

d00d, that's miles better than having it completely memorized, like the programmers at my law firm....(remember that Angry Bob cartoon about The Guy Who Always Quoted Star Wars? "Look, sir! Pants!")