Singing Potatoes
Monday, 10 November 2003
Mood: Sickened

As if the incident here in Trimaris wasn't bad enough, I just learned about another one in the East Kingdom that, if true, was far worse. Even if the accusations are false, it's hardly great publicity for the SCA.

Whether they're true or not, it's clear that something needs to be done to prevent this sort of thing from happening. There are a lot of SCA parents who bring their children to an event, drop them off all day with the Minister of Children, and then forget about them for hours at a time. That's just a recipe for disaster, as the allegations in this case illustrate.

Background checks are a start. I don't think it's unreasonable to require them for all positions which entail working with children to any extensive degree. Yes, there is an expense involved, but if it prevents even one child from being molested, I believe it's worth it.

Background checks aren't a complete solution, however. Requiring a minimum of two — or, preferably, three — adults to be present at all times would help too. I'm sorry, but the idea of all-night sleepovers with only one adult present is just creepy.

Words cannot express just how disgusting and repulsive I find this situation. Yes, innocence is presumed until guilt is proven — but that the Society's regard for the safety of children is so lax that such opportunities for abuse exist is unconscionable.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Oh, that's just so sick and sad!
On Thursday, the local chapter issued a statement. ''The SCA regrets this event and is cooperating with the police in every way. This behavior is not tolerated in our organization. We as an organization and as individuals are shocked and horrified by the allegations and will take all appropriate actions under our governing documents if the allegations are true.''

wich this were tru in our kingdom.

This ought to be forwarded to the Seneschale and Minister of Children for the kingdom, along with your suggestions. Absolutely there should never be one adult alone with children. A background check for that office is not unreasonable.
Well, all I have to do is cast aspersions on someone, and it'll be printed out and passed around at an event. :-)

Get out! Did that happen? Isn't the SCA a society with chivalric ideals?
(regarding printing out blog entries and other such crap)

Yes it does happen, it did happen and it will probably happen again. An organization that prides itself on “chivalric virtues” is still made up of human beings who frequently fall short of those ideals. It sucks when it happens; it’s despicable, cowardly and vile. It’s despicable, cowardly and vile *each* time it happens. But it’s understandable, everyone makes mistakes and forgetting this is the first mistake people generally make. The second is rationalizing that “someone else did something wrong that give ME license etc.etc…

Regarding the original topic, I hope that if and when this issue raises its ugly head in Trimaris that people are able to deal with it in a sober and rational manner. Background checks are completely appropriate, vetting someone who takes a bunch of kids to an SCA or any other outside activity should be common sense. Often though parents are simply not skeptical enough and predators have a way of “turning” kids.

I’ve also head a rumor that the SCA is considered a “soft target” for pedophiles. This is something that we are going to need to start policing, sooner then later.


"I’ve also head a rumor that the SCA is considered a “soft target” for pedophiles."

I can see why - everyone gets to play, people have idealized notions so a lot of times common sense gets checked at the door, many members see the club as a "meat market" for various activities...yes, corporate is going to have to do something.
As Cub Scout leaders, my husband and I went through a background check and had a child safety class before we were allowed around the boys. There is also the "two adults" rule in force at all times. This helps to protect everyone.
As a parent of two boys, ages 6 and 10, EVERYONE is guilty until proven innocent. This might seem harsh, but it is MY job to protect my children. There are a couple of guys here in Darkwater who give me chills, even though they haven't done anything to warrant this. My boys aren't allowed around them, period. Ultimately, while Trimaris should have definite rules and policies, it is the parent's responsibility - no one else's.
Christ in the foothills. Yuck.