Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 23 April 2002
Adieu, Lone Gunmen.

While I enjoyed the fact that Chris Carter was able to give a resolution to the Lone Gunmen series in an episode of The X-Files, it certainly wasn't the end I wanted to see. I liked those guys.

What bugged me the most was the way they met their doom. A hotel wherein a fire alarm sends down steel bulkheads to seal off only the section within a few feet of where the alarm was pulled? And in which the alarm bell only seems to ring in the sealed-off section? I can't believe that's up to the fire code. And it's a good thing those bulkheads were completely airtight, too -- obviously it was an airborne virus, if the Lone Gunmen could be infected without having touched the bioluminescently oozing dead guy.

And on another topic, Charisma Carpenter definitely looks better as a brunette. Didn't like the short blonde hair at all. What is it with the WB and unflattering hairstyles on actresses?

Posted by godfrey (link)